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About Beaudean

  • Birthday 09/09/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Redmond Oregon
  • Occupation
    Vulcan Racing LLC
  • Referral
    Searching for CV axle rebuilds on google
  • Biography
    1997 Loyale 1.8l 3sp automatic push button 4wd originall. Swapped trans and rear diff out of an 85 GL Wagon to the 5sp 4dw DR . New projects include a 2012 outback 2.5i and a 1995 Chevrolet G30 micro bus by Bluebird.
  • Vehicles
    2011 outback 2.5 d/r swap. 94 loyale 5-so D/R 4wd

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  1. So you should have some hoses that go into your radiator that come from your transmission like l75eya suggested. There are also three sensors two on the passenger side and one on the driver side I believe. Check those they could possibly be leaking. A simple way to pinpoint the area of the leak snag a piece of cardboard and slide it underneath the transmission and motor. Leave it overnight or a couple hours depending on how fast it's leaking. I know you possibly have oil leaks on there but you should be able to tell the difference between oil and tranny fluid. At least that will give you a little better idea of the area of the leak.
  2. Well I need some more information about your vehicle. Year make model, three speed automatic?
  3. Or you snapped the rollpin. If so most likely it's the on the passenger side. Hopefully it's not a striped stub shaft.
  4. Hay hatchsub I'm going to heading that way this weekend to pick up a moter. So I was thinking of checking out those brats. Pm me and let's figure some out. There was also another brat for sale in the same town for like 500 bucks I think. I'll have to see if I can find that add.
  5. 1994 Subaru loyale wagon with a 5sp DR swap. Replaced spark plugs and wires with NGK's. Replaced all my vacuum lines and air filter. Pulled and cleaned PCV and hoses. Fixed my heater(gigantic rats nest in the ductwork). I also replaced my CV's on the front. Pulled driveline and cut the staked in you joints out, replaced them with some sweet greasable ones. Fixed slow passenger window. Still trying to figure out why my dash light for the heater/AC controls pops on and off randomly. Oh yeah got some sweet red letter 4WD mudflaps.
  6. Hit me with your Email and I'll send you wiring diagrams that I have. They have gotten me out of a couple pickles. Cheers!
  7. I don't get people sometimes . I was out wheeling (94 loyale 5sp D/R) one night with my cousin and I blew a tire so I parked the car we went off in my cousins jeep for about an hour. We came back to the car to find that my windshield was kicked in, the dash was ripped up and face of my stereo was torn out(just the face the deck was still in there) Nothing was stolen except for the my face for my deck . I had an amp under the seat, speaker box with two 15" subs, tools, and other miscellaneous goodies. Who the hell does stuff like that I don't get it.
  8. It makes the noise all the time except when stopped. And it starts in 2nd gear
  9. Okay so I think I tracked out where the noises coming from. It sounds like it's coming from the front transfer case. Any ideas on what it would be?
  10. It's like clicking or ticking sound. But not the same as a CV clicker teck. I'm in the process of pulling the wheelbearings right now. But I can spin the wheel freely with no noise.
  11. So I've got a 94 loyale with 5sp DR swap. It's bin driving great until a crazy noise coming from what I thought was the driveline. I pulled the D.L to replace U joints. Just to settle my curiosities I left the driveline off and jack the car up on blocks and put it in gear to see if it would still make that noise. It sounds like it's coming from the passenger CV axle which is a new one. I pulled that cv apart to see if that was the problem. It was all good. I makes noise only when it's rolling, RPM's don't effect it it's like the faster the wheels move The more noise there is. Anyone got some advice? I've been screwing around with this for a week now.
  12. I believe you will need to swap out the speedo cable as well. I'm pretty sure the automatic speedometer cable is shorter than the manual. At least that's what I found when I did my 3at to 5sp d/r swap.
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