I will admit that it does sound like the carb. when it "chugged" after you cut it off, I had a LOT of problems with that on my car when it was carb. because the "anti-dieseling" solenoid was lousy in design, and did not function correctly. When you say that you cranked, but it did not turn over, I assume you meant it did not fire??? If it never fired, that means that you have an ignition problem. Check the distribuitor cap and rotor. Copper is best for both as aluminum is a lousy conductor. Also check your ignition coil and make sure that it is strong. If it coughed while trying to start, the problem is fuel. Make SURE that you pump the gas while cranking those old carb Subs, if it is 30 degrees or less, mine would not start without 3 pumps before cranking. If you did all of this, it may very well be time for a new/rebuilt carb. If you are mechanically/electrically inclined, convert to SPFI (yes it is possible on EA-81). If your carb is more than five years old, it may be dead. Look for carbon buildup in the barrels, that is an indidcation of wear, particularly around the throttle valves. If it chugged for 20 seconds then that means that there is fuel dripping into the barrel and detonating because of the hot engine (a 20 year old engine has a lot of carbon in it that will cause detonation). If you do decide to replace/rebuild your carb, make sure that a reputable person does it as Hitachi carbs are very difficult to rebuild. (Webers are much better, but I cannot convert mine because of emissions requirements where I live.) Hope this helps!