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Toms Brats

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About Toms Brats

  • Birthday 05/21/1958

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    Fleet Manager
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Advanced Member (3/11)



  1. Check with Shawn, I believe there is a place here in Denver that rebuilds them. I have a used set in back of my Brat at Shawn's. set on parts Brat also.
  2. I wish! lol I got more parts than I know what to do with. I Think there's a complete suspension in the back of the 80. Tried to call Shawn, but no answer. Didn't think I'd get one today.
  3. Had this Brat for years, but it now needs a younger home than mine. lol Want someone who will care for it. No rust! I need pics but its at Retro Roo so I'll have to get with Shawn. Any Intrest? I also have 79 parts brat , bush guard, Hi and Low Toppers . Thanks Tom
  4. I pulled a speedo cluster out of a 79 brat and that is printed on the face. What could it have come out of?
  5. Hey guys lets have a get together. haven't seen ya'll in a while. I'm laid up for the next 5 weeks , had neck surery, so my times open. how about suggestions? BTW My brat will be going up for sale soon to pay Dr. bills. See Ya soon Tom
  6. Did you sale the 81? Thanks Tom

  7. Thanks Shawn thats more than I thought. It does have new seats but needs heater control valve and fuel sender .Was hoping to sell it local but we'll see. as for rust only surface as you know . thanks Tom
  8. Those of you that know my Brat help me out.Want a fair asking price for it.Tekk me what you think ? please
  9. Well I wasn't quick enough. She bought a Golf GTI thanks for help thought Tom
  10. For those at cook out a couple months ago ,you met karla. She's in need of a dependable car. Whose got one sitting around for reasonable price? Needs quickly and has cash. I know thats something we're not use to ,But I've seen it LOL Give me a shout Tom 303-269-9964
  11. Well guys my 1980 Brat is a pretty good car. No rust except surface. But I'f been slowly changeing my mind on upgrading it. After taking it offroad some ,it could use more power and a lift. But I'm still fighting the Stock mind set.
  12. Letme know what you need.I won't be in town till Saturday. I do have firewood. Thanks Tom
  13. Sorry guys ,had truck break down and been running hard sense. I'll be back in town Saturday morning ,so no time to smoke anything. I've got plenty of firewood and can bring what ever you need. Let me know please Eric. See yall Saturday
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