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  1. Thanks intrigueing No, the problem persists even after lightly touching the brakes. To be more specific, it's a flutteriing noise rather than a whirring. It's something drivetrain related, since I can get the noise to occur when coasting with the motor turned off. The frequency of the flutter is related to the vehicles speed. When coasting at 20 km/hr the frequency is faster than at 5 km/hr.
  2. Hello; Could someone help diagnose a problem coming from the front of my 2000 OBW. At slow speeds I can hear a whirring sound which increases in frequency with speed. It is not related to the engine, since if I switch off the engine and coast, the sound continues. Swerviing and turning have no effect, and the sound isn't a click. I've checked the tires for irregular wear, stones caught in the tread etc. nothing obvious comes to mind. It's 100K km warrenty is about up, but I want to have an idea of what the problem is before taking it in to a dealer. Thanks
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