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  • Location
    Denver, Co
  • Referral
    Google: engine won't stay running
  • Biography
    a (Noobie) guy just trying to make ends meet and keep my car running on a tight budget, with limited tools.
  • Vehicles
    1997 Subaru Legacy Outback

Nomyar's Achievements


Newbie (1/11)



  1. Hello all, thank you for all the suggestions, have had internet problems sorry about late response but ended up being air locked. Now just need to get the front roots and pads changed out and regular maintenance done.
  2. I am limited to orielly's parts right now. I did not fill from upper hose as the radiator has the air bleed screw on the top left. The old radiator had a leak and it was over heating before the change, there is no coolant in the oil or vise verse and no white smoke coming out the tail pipe.
  3. Hello everyone, need some advice 97 subaru legacy outback 182k on it. overheating, just installed new radiator and thermostat, refilled and fired up let run at idle until temperature came up then held about 2000 rpm and temp started rising. Thinking it may be the water pump considering upper hose is hot lower is cold. Also need direction on where water pump is, can't find my repair manual right now, I am more of a novice mechanic.
  4. Hello everyone, need some advice 97 subaru legacy outback 182k on it. overheating, justput new radiator and thermostat, refilled and fired up let run at idle until temperature came then held about 2000 rpm and temp started rising. Thinking it might be the water pump as upper is hot lower is cold. Just spent my last $14 on the thermostat.
  5. Hello, thank you for the responses, the timing belt was changed out. forgive me for being ignorant what is IACV, will try the things that were suggested and keep you posted.
  6. Hello everyone, new here and new to Subarus, need some advice. my 97 Legacy outback 187,000m, I think it is the 2.5 Litre. quite running, Changed out the fuel pump now it will start but won't stay running unless I feather the throttle. Had an auto parts store run a scan on it a while back as it was running rough, it would kind of miss on take off from a light and when driving under normal conditions, the auto parts place indicated fuel and air mixture and suggested the first and cheapest part would be the upstream o2 senser, I have purchased the o2 sensor but haven't changed it yet, was thinking about cleaning the MAF sensor first, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, on a very tight budget as well.
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