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Kootenays kid

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About Kootenays kid

  • Birthday 07/08/1988

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  • Gender
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    Kootenays B.C.
  • Vehicles
    1991 Loyale 4wd

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  1. I think it was the long time sitting on an angle for almost 5 months, plus being on an empty, empty tank.
  2. My valve covers leak also, I did new rubber gaskets not long ago, I have done them twice actually. I think I will just have to live with it.
  3. Thanks for the help!! that worked, checked with the wires, no action, so I banged on it a little and she started to work!
  4. codswallop this forum is awesome, I did hook up the test connectors, it worked, I knocked on the fuel pump and bang it started, so I sold the car. The next day after work fell through and having a 1200 km journey home, the car died on the high way in a sketchy place to be, right where the highway splits. Well the ol' set screw on the distributor roar, had I not of just read about it trying to get my other car running I would of been stuck a lot longer. Thank you once again members & ultimatesubaru for getting me back on the road!!!
  5. I guess if I hear nothing, or no flow, the pumps the issue? what if it sucked air, would it be a pain to bleed? I've read you can bang on the pump to try &get it working?
  6. how much fuel would come out of the line while cranking? there seems to be none. There aren't any sensors at this point, or other lines that could be the culprit? I thought the fuel filter would fill up again at least a little. What if it sucked air while trying to start it with little to no fuel and on a slope?
  7. Need to know any info on testing fuel pump, lack of fuel is the reason. if I put some fuel in up top she starts up for a few seconds, I also drained the fuel filter and nothing is coming through the lines. I had the car on an empty take on an angle all summer sitting.
  8. It is a fuel issue, I put some fuel into the carb & it will run for a few seconds no problem. I took off the fuel filter, blew it out, now when I turn the key, it should prime the lines if the pump were operating no? also how do you check the fuel pump to see if it is working? or is there sensors that tell the pump to send fuel?
  9. Got a 91 Loyale that ran fine before I parked it late spring. The car had a mice population living in the hood so I have left the hood open all season, we have had lots of rain. I put a battery in it & when I tried starting it, the car started briefly than just died on me, I tried for about 45 min turning it over, pumping the pedal, letting it sit. A month later....yesterday I tried to fire it up again & it did the exact same thing. I am thinking condensation, also it sat on a angle all summer, with low fuel, possibly leaving the fuel pump exposed to air, or close, but maybe not the gas guage is below 0, I put in some fresh dirt bike gas mixed with oil maybe 5 L than another 5-8 L of regular gas, I just put another 6 L of pump gas. Would all the rain do some damage? I think it's a fuel issue, is there any way to bleed the system?
  10. Interesting! I have a line on a DR transmission for $100, but I would have to remove it off the current vehicle in a field. I'll message you for more details on the DR transmission you mentioned. That Subaru Tarantula wagon is very nice, little over kill for my daily driver, but I would drive it daily. Seems to be that the valve covers always want to leak oil, any one had this issue? I am more interested in the DR for towing a snowmobile on a trailer up hill.
  11. I used rockauto they have a wicked warehouse clearance section right now.
  12. I am just curious what the limit is of these cars, has anybody rolled them over, blown up engines,been mud bogging? I have been pushing the Mongolian mule up some pretty steep roads and quad tracks lately. I hate though how there is no low end, if you bog out during a steep climb you are pretty much pooched, unless you put the E-brake on and rev it right up, but even than. I have thought about putting a 4wd dual range in the car, but is it even worth the time to get to those 10% of the time places which 4 low would help, does it even make that big of a difference with these cars? I know in the yota it would climb til it flipped backwards in 4low. Just looking for some stories on crazy things that you have done in these vehicles.
  13. Alright, thanks for the advice every one, this forum is great! wish I would of have gotten one of these cars years ago.
  14. to the above post, I replaced the oil pump, I broke the little tab on the other one when lifting the engine out I guess, there was oil seeping out where the connector was...that's fixed, I actually let the thing idle longer than a few minutes & drove it to town the temp gauge works, runs around 1/4 maybe a little less. My concern was how hot the heads were after such a short drive, also my fan never kicked in, maybe the it wasn't hot enough? I know the fan works because I just had the rad in another car & it was working fine. Maybe they run super hot ( the heads) I misted a bit of water on them and yeah it was not quit boiling, but hot, maybe I am just being paranoid because I have had nothing but issues with this car since I bought it last April
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