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Everything posted by oddcomp

  1. working with dry ice all night long i know that sometimes you can use it to pop out dents holding some on the dent will make themetal there shrink and "stress" it inturn pull on teh non shrunk metal and someiems pulls its self out doens't always work but usually depending on the dent though
  2. if your just removing the mechanical fan to make room for a electric one or waht ever the mechanical fan actually bolts on top of the water pump pulley so they are 2 seperate doohickys just take off the fan use a few washers to equal the thickness of the fan hub and put your old nuts/bolts back on to keep the pulley in place and there ya go no need for a new belt or anything
  3. hey flow i got a digi cam and well i am not far from pdx when i get off work hit me up u got my msn stuff i think oh yeah if i get my "project" done in time i will have pics of a turbo wagon and a well... older mongoloid creation
  4. saterday ?? of course i'll just have to catch the next one like say when i am not working...
  5. go look up the do it your self fuel injection crowd and d.i.y ignition crowd by doing a search for megajolt and megasquirt i myself have wondered the same thing just always forget to ask those with the engineering degree's i am sure you will get a decent answer or even a alternate solution that may work better than just a generic item i mean hell its how i have my reverse engineered schematics for a msd box lol
  6. btw since calebz is not very clear on it when he says detergent he means some form of oil additive that will break down the gunk and let it be drained on the next oil change and not laundry detergent .. silly calebz hehe stuff like marvel mystery oil , seafoam , automatic tranny fluid works also , lets see what else.... there are otehr specific brands but usually walk into your favorite parts place tell them you have a car that needs some kind of engine flush type junk for the oil and they will have a few suggestions i think most of use use marvel mystery oil or seafoam but i could be wrong i know i use the marvel stuff and seafoam btw seafoam is a brand name but they have many products like for adding to gas to clean injectors ,adding to oil to break loose the gunk stuff to add to the tranny ect anyways i got a car to go cut up and modify hope at least one of these idea's help you become a new /used subie owner and ignore my idiotic rambling i use it to hide my true intelligence .... yeah right
  7. my guess is that it has the air suspension stuff and that it has blown a airbag or the compressor is messed up or somethign long those lines with out pressure its going to have a lot of body sway and be kinda unpredictable in 4wd since all 4 tires are helping to load the suspension evenly thats most likely what he means . could also have bad ball joints in the front or bad struts hitting 4wd will also help it track straight at least it does in my gl-10 turbo but then again i could be really way far far off
  8. well i need to get the back windows out of that glue/sealer crap they use cause well i don't need them .. and i really don't want to break them when someone else might need them so how do you defeat the black sealer crap?
  9. naw niva's are not here in the states at least that i can find i actually wanted one they look neat some of the fixed up ones i have seen on the web
  10. ah well i just act underage if you need a extra id checker or just someone to scare people lemme know
  11. check the mounts for it they usually are suspended on rubber bushings that can wear out and allow metal to metal contact i am assuming the brat is carbed? then the fuel pump will make a soft flutter/thump like noise due to its design but the bushing usually muffle the noise unless they wear out if its fuel injected then it will be a constant whine sometimes easy to hear otehr times not depends on the pump design but i would check the mounts first then look into a new pump you could add a fuel pressure gauge inline so you know if its working at the right pressure
  12. saturday?? i'll catch the next one i gotta go to work that night
  13. i'v mentioned my days i can make it but i am a minority and there will always be other meets whats easiest for the majority of people is the best bet in my opinion
  14. bad injector?? leaking fuel into engine or not putting fuel in ?? i am curious if i was partially close
  15. interesting i yanked the alt and ac out at work last night had to wrestle with the 2 prong plug on the alt a bit got it out took off the ac so i had less crap in the way put it all back in minus ac and the problem went away... i am thinking corroded connectors on the alt?? still gonna do a gm conversion just not so high priority now
  16. couldn't have been mine mines not done yet ...
  17. tps wrong causing it to dump more fuel than it can burn under boost close throttle all that excess fuel burns in the exhaust and spools the turbo briefly... just a idea also maf might not work correct or has a air leak some where causing it to run rich as well
  18. so who has done what kinda alternator swaps?? i have no money and a choice from a saab 9000 turbo alternator and 2 gm alternators anyone else done a gm alt? got sketch for the bracket?? i thought i would ask before i go reinvent stuff
  19. impossible i leave no beer unfinished when working on cars!!!!
  20. i'm in longview.. but if its on say a thursday or friday i pretty sure i can make it
  21. **hello fcc i am being offended** cool ad tho not sure wtf a quadrozontal engine is hmm
  22. hmm the alts not that old.. but .. i have been giving jump starts to idiots .... perhaps its time to fabricate a bracket and just put a trusty chevy alternator on it.. or even this saab alternator better than 90 or so bux again
  23. ok 87 gl-10 turbo recently on start up when its been sitting for a while all the idiot lights have a soft glow to them rev the engine a bit it goes away let off it comes back after a while it goes away compleatly until it sits for a few hours i am personally thinking its a crappy ground under the dash but i don't know wich grounds to look at first and since it the only car i ahve right now to get to work and back i can't have everything torn apart for a day or 2 to chase it pretty sure its not a ground under the hood since i just redid/added more about 3 weeks or more ago btw will a regular analog gauge cluster plug inplace of a digi gauge?
  24. its possible... i personally have seen a 1000hp blown methanol engine sneeze and bust a cam in half..... sucked cause we spent alot of time getting the suspension back together so he go race again oh well 66" tires are heavy hehe even if the belt slipped it should still randomly burp .. and fart what color is the spark you get from the plugs and wires? if its orangish thats kinda weak and remember it takes more voltage to jump the gap of a plug under pressure ... so if its a weak orange spark then it might be no spark at all under combustion chamber pressure the newer wires may be a higher resistance than the old one's <dam radio suppression crap> but double check your firing order try the old wires if you have them and still say thanks to the wife i can't even get mine to check the dam oil ....
  25. i'v got a book on setting up suspensions and building frames for racing if you wanna borrow it
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