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Everything posted by oddcomp

  1. cough cough hack bs bs cough cough.. dam propylene glycol at work .. makes me cough and hack all the time
  2. i now know how it got there !! since it was buried under diet mountain dew box's that means it was a special prize from the mountain dew people for being one of the few people who drink their diet mountain dew !
  3. eh i was not totally sure i figured since it was a bigger motor there might have been room to do it
  4. wewt? is that like woot or something?
  5. well after being stupid and burning up part of my megasquirt and trying to find a dam diode to finish the repair <thanks very much edrach!> the squirted and dis'd rx lives again.. but when the laptop shows 182-185f for the motor temp the dash was almost pegged out hmm granted i had my efan unplugged since its hardwired to a relay plugged the efan in and the dash temp went down but the laptop temp onloy changed a few degree's so either i need to reprogram my megasquirt or the dash temp sensor is borked
  6. hey you have my number right?> give me a call about 2-3 pm ish or so i will come over and listen/looka t it and bring my compression tester
  7. automatic transmission fluid mercon/dexron has the same effect on rubber seals it usually swells them up last i knew ..
  8. ps little timmy shall not bother you anymore.. i just talked to him.. from 1/4 mile away thru a scope.
  9. i suspect that after another week it's technically yours since you have in fact made a public display of trying to find the owner.. btw is it worth keeping? pm me with the details of it since we know its not mine
  10. those people that do not like standalone's i would be willing to bet they also like to have people do the work for them so they don't get their hands dirty i have had only one problem with my megasquirt and it was pretty much my own fault /tired stupidity
  11. yay...! also i have 2 sets of injectors you can test one set from my 87 twagon and the otherset from the 85 rx
  12. um sorry to tell ya this but if a simple im program bogs your system down you might have some majot problems there and calebz send me your old konigs or how ever you spell them my rx sez it will provide them a good home
  13. if i had it here i am certain i could "detune" to pass it knowing what has happened i would urger people to never go alone to the sniffer stations so you have a witness as to what occured . also since i really doubt there is any rules against it make the 2nd person the offcial video camera guy during the test
  14. if you make it down around longview,wa i can do them as well and have done a few
  15. yeah yeah yeah... i often forget your prolly a hell of alot smarter than me and by alot i mean.. a really huge large amount lol and i also stand by me previous theory that the laptop is stolen and someone ditched it in your car in a parking lot somewhere... like work ? or.. we the collective that is usmb need to figure out where you hid the body hehhehehehe
  16. throttle posistion sensor.. or mass air flow sensor but i am leaning towards the throttle position sensor remember what the plugs looked like? grey in color ? black? brown?
  17. makes lots of sense.. at least the usage of it someone thinks sjr has a 1 up on the aa lift so there for sjr scores one point over the aa lift having not seen nor driven a rig with either lift kit.. i cannot comment on how they perform even tho i am realllllly close to aa in terms of miles
  18. omfg wtf lol and any other typing shortcut you choose... that is some funny stuff there me personally i would require the person who wins the auction to actually pick up said device in person .. just so i can video tape it and then put it on the intarwebnets for others to laugh at.. since i suspect that the winning bid will actually go to someone who wears a white stained tanktop cut off shorts and sports a huge mullet and reallly reallllly needs dental work . and might even drive a beat way the hell up camaro with the uber hot mpfi injected v6 and smokes .. alot
  19. where as i am with dr rx .but if who ever had the laptop is like me and puts as l;ittle personal info on any computer they use as possible\ then further . indepth snooping is required
  20. i still think someone needs to adapt the porsche cv joints to the suby like the toyota people do on their extreme front ifs lifts..
  21. wrong answer ed.. you saw me sitting over by jason's campsite in a chair dinkin away at my fuel maps on my laptop sooo pffftt! hey north i got .. programs that can find usefull info on things like those things to try and determine the ownership..
  22. disconnect the plug at the resistor block it should be the center pin thats the main power feed to the resistor block one probe of the ohm meter on the main power wire and the other from one of the resistor output wires actually now that i think about it look in a chiltons book or something like that it has the test measurments for the resistor block technically as far as i know if the combined resistance of your old injectors + the resistor block = to or pretty close to the dsm injectors.. then the dsm's should work minus the resistor block
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