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Everything posted by offroadsubaruguy

  1. i would say go for the sube..... it'll probably cost you less in the long run....... plus, if you were to drop a d/r tranny in place of the ft4wd, it would be a lot of fun on the trails.....
  2. i think someone makes a kit to allow install of hella 500's into the factory foglamp position.... but im not sure who.... i have also heard that all it takes is a hammer and some 1"x1/8" steel and you can make your own mounts.....
  3. im hoping to start getting my springs in soon, like this week kind of soon, i just need to borrow some spring compressors and then just sit down and do it. should give me about two more inches or so...... big legacy = lots-o-fun!!! hopefully i dont have to sell it.....
  4. looks like you guys didnt go very far up???? or did u just not take pics any farther up??? really ought to try going all the way around...... its a blast and a half!!!!! just try not to get stuck with a flat...... that sucks... i second the motion for a return trip..... maybe a saturday sometime? with plenty of notice so i can get the day off would be nice.....
  5. im jealous!!!!! i wish i had one.... i would lift it in a heartbeat!! make it kinda baja syle... big and ballsy!!!
  6. another place where you might have some fun is at elk meadows...... a little farther but not quite as rough....
  7. wish i could go, but no can do........ maybe on a saturday sometime.....
  8. first off, to check yor final drive, look at the rear diff, it will tell you... and second, if your going to spend the money on an ej20t and matching tranny, why not just get the rear diff as well?
  9. i know that you can use hella 500's, but they dont "fit" into the factory holes..... but you can fab a mount and they sit just outside the hole and they dont look too bad....work a whole heck of a lot better than the factory crap...
  10. ok, i have a 90 legacy that needs a new heater core.... what years are compatible? im pretty sure that the 90-94 year models will work, since they are the same body style, but what about 95-00??? will something from one of those work???
  11. i dont know if the springs are any longer, but they should be stiffer since the outback weighs more..... and yes the springs should give extra lift when installed.
  12. well, if my road toy was working properly, and i had the wheels and tires im lookin at getting, i would be there..... eventhough its a mitsubishi lancer from 1977.... its a fun little car...... wish i could go....
  13. why not just run the solid rear? it would be stronger and probably easier to mount.....
  14. whenever im out wheeling i get alot of looks, but i havent had one yet where someone is dissapointed, just suprised..... everyone that i have run into around here is ready for something different, and the subaru is that something different..... its not a jeep, but it can still go places..... of course the wife to be doesnt understand it, and neither do my parents ( funny, seeing as my dad introduced me to this site when i got my first subaru ) but i dont mind..... most of my friends think its cool and different, which is ok, because my ride exppresses my opinions and ideas......
  15. she did tell me my cars are mine, but i need to be able to make rent, buy groceries and pay bills before i get to play, so its going to be awhile......
  16. definatey keep us posted on this one...... if it works i might have to try it.....
  17. as for lifting, go fro outback struts and springs..... you will have to redrill the rear mounting holes, but you'll get around 3" of lift, and plenty of room for your bigger tires...... plus a firmer ride as well.
  18. i'd be willing to pay a grand for the 4.444 gears. i think it would make it all worth it.... i seem to remember someone saying something about having 4.444 gears in the d/r ea tranny would allow you to run at least 31's and it would be like driving on the original 13's gear wise..... that sounds good to me....
  19. you might be able to use the fronts from an ej18 in the rear???? as i would think that they are the same, not sure on that one though...
  20. if you can swap 4.11's, why not just go all out and get some 4.44's??? thats what i'd do....... even better crawl ratio....
  21. really wish i could get the ej-ea adapter and a lift, but seeing as i gotta save for the honeymoon, and for school, probably not gonna happen anytime soon.....:(
  22. the radiator tyoe cap on the intercooler is exactly that. a radiator cap. you have a water to air intercooler. it should use regular coolant just like the rest of the cooling system...
  23. my buddy and i actually thought about getting a samuri rolling chassis and swapping over all the necessary subie stuff, engine, hatch body, d/r tranny... we figured that it would fit pretty well since they are avout the same length and all..... never actually got around to doing it though...
  24. well what abouth the rest of us in colorado that have lifted rus? we wanna go too!!!!
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