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Everything posted by offroadsubaruguy

  1. i actually cheated and got a light bar, but i would either mount them in front of the grill, like mine are or off of the hood......
  2. i was looking under the hood of the legacy today and started thinking.... what if i moved the motor and trans back about 1 1/2 inches, made a custom radiator to fit under the latch for the hood, put some super skinny fans on the radiator and you should have room for the svx motor..... it would be a tight fit, but it would fit.... anyone ever thought about this??? it would make for one fast legacy..... lots o fun
  3. if you still have the locking nuts form the old struts, just put em on, if not try some lock tite... as far as the solenoid, if the dealer wont tell you what it does, dont replace it... sounds like a scam to me.... dont ever replace anything without knowing what it does first.....
  4. i would also say that a one peice would be better, stronger too....
  5. have you thought about maybe bending the stopper? just a thought....
  6. from what ive heard they where designed that way to keep window noise down when your driving around with the windows down...... just what ive heard, so i could be wrong.....
  7. are they the same or are they just barely different??? from what i can tell they look the same to me, but i havent actually gotten to sit down and look at the both of them together, so, i figured id ask... im lookin specifically at the early models, 90-97 legacy, and a 93+ impreza....area they interchangeable?
  8. im running a 90 legacy with 98 outback struts and stock legacy springs.... the ride i think is actually improved some as the struts are made for a heavier vehicle... no problems with half shafts, or with instal other than old stuck nuts that had to be slowly removed..... it does however put more strain on the rear sway bar....sitting on the ground its only a little less than an inch or so away from the gas tank.... i gaind about an inch and a half or so, and the front sits an inch lower than the rear right now, not quite sure why other than the spring perches are different.... a one inch spacer to the front would fix that in no time.... i have run kumho 27x8.5 14's on it with only slight rubbing on the front when at full left or right, other than that, i would say its almost like its meant to be....
  9. just being me, i would go through insurance jsut because it obviously isnt your fault.. not to mention they asked not to go through insurance.... that right there is a red flag to me..... if they ask not to, then i would do it just for that reason...... you get in an accident you pay for it...... i've just been screwed by people who say they want to pay for it... i give them the estimate and then never hear from them again, and by that time its too late to go through insurance, so i would just do it the insurance way......
  10. definately keep us posted on this one as i love the good ol corvairs and have always wondered what an eg33 would do to it power wise.. im sure it would fly like no other since the original motors didnt have much horsepower........
  11. i know 27's will fit, ive had them on the car before, i geuss i will just have to do the springs and see if i like it......
  12. looking to see if anyone has a paper or cardboard stensil of the adapter plate that i could borrow/purchase so i can do the d/r swap.........
  13. i realize that the spring perch is th big limiting factor, but i mainly want something that will give me a little more tire clearance once i put the bigget tires on... ground clearance isnt the problem, its the distance from the top of the tire to th top of the fender and how much it rubs when at full compression, thats the problem...... but im always up for trying stuff out, so i geuss i will look around some and see what i can find.....
  14. looking good, now i just gots to come up with the money to do my legacy... time is one thing i have an abundance of...... just need the cash......
  15. does anyone make a body lift for the legacy anymore? or am i gonna have to garage style it? also, is there anyone out there that has done the outback strut and spring swap onto an early 90 legacy? i have the struts, but not the springs, and i was wondering app. how much to expect out of the springs....
  16. any aftermarket intake for any 2.5 n/a motor will fit your 97 legacy... im running a weapon r intake on my 90 legacy and it works just fine.....
  17. i ran 27" kumhos on my 90 legacy wagon with just installing outback struts with the legacy springs.... drove fine, lose a little bit of the bottom end and the gas mileage went down to about 17-23 mpg depending on how i drove it.... the only time i had rubbing problems was when i was at full lock either left or right, but nothing other than that.......if i were to do it again, which hopefully i will, im going to do outback struts and springs, which would require a redrill of the rear strut mounting holes( different bolt pattern ), and then you would either need to get rid of the swaybar or modify the mounts somehow..... i just figured id get rid of em.......anyway, its doable.... and its a blast as you dont really lose to much of the handling factor, but gain fun factor......
  18. last i checked, tire rack didnt sell 27's anymore...... :confused: :confused:
  19. just curios, but why is everyone swapping the 2.2 instead of a newer 2.5? ( preferably one without the h.g. issues ) i just figure more power is better, but i wanted to hear it from those that have done it, and those who care to give their oppinions.......
  20. just out of curiosity, where are you getting this kit, what does it come with, and how much does it cost?
  21. more expensive than $100 for the 2.5 heads.... it came out to like $600 or more to do the subie heads.....kinda bummed, cause port and polish would be nice.......i had even thought about swapping to the newer 2.2 heads and using 2.5 cams..... i just dont want to get rid of my 2.5 borla header....
  22. i've heard that when you use the "white" lights or other broghter colors it can actually mess with your depth perseption.... i dunno, but that sounds like it cant really be all that good......
  23. im looking to get better flow, and something aftermarket for cams.... regrinds kinda scare me... i just dont like the idea behind em........
  24. the reason for the dohc is because someone is selling some complete heads for $100... otherwise i will go for the sohc heads if i can find some for a reasonable price.....
  25. i miss my big tires......:(:(
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