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  • Location
    Norwood Colorado
  • Referral
    Searched subaru forum
  • Biography
    Transportation/ maintenance supervisor telluride school district.
    Love all things cars!
  • Vehicles
    2011 impreza sedan, 2002 impreza outback sport

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  1. The Impreza outback lives again! Had to swap ps pump, ac compressor but the cam position sensor and crank position sensor worked! Thanks for all tha advice! Got the exedy clutch and it runs and drives and shifts great!
  2. I have time to pull them, my clutch won't be in till Wednesday. Was hoping there was an easy was to tell, but I should do it now while I have them both side by side on the floor.
  3. Thanks, I was trying to be lazy and not pull all the accessories of the front!
  4. Gary, Both motors have 48 teeth on the cam sprocket, does this mean I'm good to go? Didn't pull the cover to count the crank, should I?
  5. Ok Gary, Next is what clutch, the motor I'm putting in comes out of an automatic, the car it's going into is a manual. What is the deal with the oversize bearing kit? Is this something I should be concerned with?
  6. The 2000 was hit in the back and totaled less than 30 days ago, so not sitting more than 30 days.
  7. What would the cam and crank sprocket have to do with it? The engine in the 2000 is documented 35000 mile factory replacement Subaru engine.
  8. Will a 2000 outback wagon 2.5 sohc engine directly swap into my 2002 Impreza outback sport wagon with a 2.5 sohc? Or is there plug and play issues?
  9. The car is extreamly nice. It has a couple of small door dings around the car, but no rust.The woman i got it from had it since it had 30,000 miles on it. She had just spent $400 the day it started knocking on genaral maintenance. Belts, oil change,ect. I would diffantly do the work myself, and understand that wear items wear out. I kinda liket the bug eye body style and realize I can by a running car for what I will spend to put the motor in. My thoughts are, it will be super dependable with the new motor and any car I buy in that price range will be unknown as far as how long it will last. Spread the rest of the wear items over the next year or so, or as needed and I have a dependable subie!
  10. Emily, seriously I've called your shop, and emailed you on Facebook. I would love to hear pros and cons on the car and the motors.
  11. Yes, comment! You should sell me on "why" your motor in such a high mile car! I really wish it was a turbo! I am actually looking for your input being your the subaru whisperer!
  12. No rust, that's why I'm torn. Do I need to worry about the manual trans? Not making any funky noises or grinding or popping out of gear. Does the manual trans hold up after that many miles? Just don't want it to turn into the money pit
  13. Are the jDM motors a good deal or drove hard, put up wet? Anyone have experiance with them? I would think they might slack on the maintenance knowing they are gonna pull them out anyway.
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