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    British Columbia

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  1. Would something like that also cause the "Check Engine" light to come on while the car is running?
  2. I have a couple of questions about these bubbles that I'm hearing so much about. I wrote a post a couple of days ago that we just had a head gasket replaced on our '98 Forester and a few days later we had the check engine light come on and the overflow tank had only about a half inch of collant in the bottom. We tried topping it up with cooland today, ran it and initially there were a few bubbles in the tank but it slowed to about 1 every minute.....does this mean it's time to have the gasket job done all over again or is it possible that it's just air in the system?
  3. Hey, Just joined the site, and I'm looking for some info. I've read a few posts and it seems that head gasket problems are quite common. My vehicle is a '98 Forester with 180k. Recently purchased and had to have the head gasket replaced right off the bat. Now, 2 weeks later, check engine light came on and the coolant tank is empty.......puddle on the ground. Wondering if this is related to the head gasket replacement or maybe just a loose fitting after the repair. Any advice would really be appreciated. Cheers
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