I bought an '88 loyale wagon quite a few years back after owning only domestics my whole driving life. I loved that quirky little car. unfortunately I moved from Albuquerque back to Iowa and the salt took the body apart. I now own three legacy wagons '94 auto 108k the son drives, '95 auto 140k the wife drives, and my '95 mt 191k just replaced the original clutch. Other than cv's, brakes, and an occasional CEL all have been great cars. Just the other morning black ice on a corner put two larger SUV's in the ditch while my wife drove right thru, she loves her subie! After driving her old Ford Exploder she feels less like the sube will roll over. If more people got out of their big gas guzzling SUV's we would be alot safer and save alot of gas. Go Subaru!