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Posts posted by ScoobySchmitty


    If it makes the noise only when the clutch pedal is not depressed, it's probably bearings or other parts in the transmission.




    Yeah, I agree with Nathan. You would have to remove the transmission for either problem, but in this case it might end up being the transmission itself. Once the transmission has been removed, try to wiggle the transmission input shaft up and down .If the input shaft on the transmission moves AT ALL, I'd look into a good used or rebuilt transmission. I'd also invest in a clutch kit while you have the transmission out. Yeah it's more cost, but for the amount of work it takes to have that beast out it's a damn good idea to replace every part you can!


    PS, it's not particularly difficult to remove the transmission from the car, it's just a LOT of work. It might be covered in the Repair section on this site, along with tips and tricks people have discovered that make the job a little easier. Good luck dude!

  2. So we're moving stuff around in the warehouse but my friend had to take a call. So I go dink with the Nighthawk. Battery is dead, but I wonder if a bump-start would work. Kick it into a higher gear and with that "no-way-this-will-work" grin I roll a little bit forward and drop the clutch....VRRRROOOM! :eek: I declutched right away so it didn't go anywhere but DAMN! Let it warm up a bit and took it up and down the street hit about 50 or so, feels pretty good for all the work it needs! Hot damn, I hope we have a mild winter! :lol:

  3. I know, front drums are TERRIBLE on motorcycles! During the MSF class I kept locking the rear on the Nighthawk during quick stops because that front drum just didn't have the grunt to halt you! I've heard the European Nighthawks had disc setups so I might look into that. For that CL, some of the larger CB in that era had disc as well so I'll definitely look into it. I'm curious as to whether or not the CL engine mounts were the same between the 175 and 350 :brow: I wouldn't mind a bit more grunt for it!

  4. I FINALLY picked them up tonight!




    The CL is in pretty rough shape, hasn't been run in a very long time. Bonus, it has both the key AND the title! :banana: Needs just about every wear part replaced and everything else restored before she will be road worthy. So it's definitely a project but I think worthy of restoration.




    The Nighthawk does run and recently too, so it's a whole lot closer. I pulled the seat off to have a friend recover it...Tim felt that 100 MPH tape was a good substitute for leather :-P It does have a list of things it needs, but all of it is of the tune-up variety. So this one will keep me sated while I fix the 175 :)


    So yeah, I'm pretty stoked. Still haven't found a Subaru, but I figure until I do these will keep me near sane for the time being.

  5. The 90 was the 1st year of Legacy and that specific generation ran until 1994. I have heard of other mods using later generations, though you will have to search around the forum for ideas. The exhaust is 2" I believe, and if you are considering a freeflow muffler, I wouldn't bother spending the money on it until you have tuned the engine to the point that the exhaust is holding you back. One of the mods on this forum, Legacy777 had a website with a bunch of mods he has done to his Legacy, I'd look there for some inspiration. Good luck!

  6. Heh, funny story.


    I was riding to my shared warehouse on my moped when I see that green one with the GT wheels stopped at the light opposite me! AUUUGGGHHH!! I nearly cried as it drove by, but I waved at the driver then e-mailed him later for a chuckle. I mean, what are the odds? Bit of good news a few days later too...he found what he was looking for on eBay (another rarity...AWD Toyota Previa 5 speed...what is it with Subaru owners and taste for rare cars? :rolleyes:) so it might be available soon! So I should know by Tuesday if he's won it and needs to sell his better ride. :)


    No, not the Previa.

  7. I've been keeping an eye out for CL's in the 350 range, I love the look of the scrambler high pipes! I'm pretty familiar with motorcycle style carbs so it should not be a big issue. He couldn't remember if it needed more but it has been sitting a while so we shall see. If I can get it going, it will be a nice bike to have I think!


    Regarding that Nighthawk, it holds a touch of sentimental value to me as it was the first motorcycle I operated. I was curious about how they worked and what it was like to ride, so Tim let me take it around a parking lot for a bit. I also used a Nighthawk during the safety course. Between the Suzuki cruiser thing, the Honda Rebel (like sitting on a hemorrhoid doughnut) and a Yammy TW200, it was the most comfortable and natural feeling bike. So I'm pretty stoked to have one of my own :) I've got the whole next week off, so I'm going to spend it tinkering with it to get it running then go from there!

  8. Yes, the Japanese know how to build bikes like they do cars. Some make both cars and bikes, which isn't seen much if at all anymore in the u.s. market. Porcupine has come to like Honda. So far the only problem he has encountered with the VFR is the cooling fan coolant switch went faulty.




    Heh, my sis' boyfriend has an 06 "Viffer", silver with hard bags like that. It's a stunning machine like that, but I like the anniversary red/white/blue livery a whole lot better. Speaking of sis, she got interested in motorcycles thanks to him and now wants an SV650! :lol: Wouldn't mind one myself, but don't have the $$. Besides, Subaru first! Good luck with the Duke, blondy!

  9. So my friend Tim moved out to Maryland for a decent job. He's trying to move the rest of his belongings out of his sister's house where he stayed when he was here in MI. The most of it is small, easy to mail sort of stuff. Some things were a bit more of a challenge, like his Nighthawk 250 and CL 175. Both need work, and neither of them were worth the trouble for him to move. So he asked me if I wanted them. I offered to buy them but he said they needed a bit of work to get going properly and I was doing him a favor by taking them, so free! I've ridden the 250 before so I know it runs, but it has been sitting a while. The 175 needs "carb work" but it could be more than that. But still...TWO titled bikes, complete, for the effort to haul them away! I've wanted EITHER of these styles for a while now and I suddenly get BOTH! The hard part is going to be choosing which one to ride next season (provided I get them both running :lol:)

  10. It's been so long since I've had a Legacy trans out. I don't remember there being a particular issue with the fork clip not installing right. Have you tried it the other way at all? Can you install it and it seems to hold properly? Also if you have it apart already, I recommend a new fork as well and plenty of grease. My original one cracked in half and it's no fun replacing it if you just put it back together!

  11. I've had to mess with the lever on my Legacy twice. First was the bushings, 2nd was when my upper shift lever separated from the rubber mount. It is still a lot better design than my Mk II Golf. The shift lever was mounted to this PLASTIC cup that stuck through the floor, nothing under it! I had to replace that, and the parts were ordered in such a way that it was nearly impossible to re-assemble it correctly without 4 hands, and you could only fit two in the shift well! Took me about a DAY to get it together right. Bad bad BAD design!

  12. The look on the dealer's face had to be priceless! :lol: Something like this? :eek:


    The 98 GT guy was trying to convince me that the auto was a much better choice because it shifted faster and was less of a hassle. I replied that I understand the benefit of an auto, but you just can't beat a manual for absolute control of the drive. I just can't willingly spend money on a car that didn't have a manual gearbox! Maybe someday I'll get lazy and buy an auto (yahrite) but for now, it's manual or nothing! :headbang:

  13. 1st year, I had no car up there, but I did learn stick on a friend's Escort up there. (interesting side note...another friend was teaching me at the time and he stalled it more times than I did :-P) Before my 2nd year I bought my first Subie and used it to get back and forth from home during breaks. It always got me through, no matter the conditions. I remember one particular trip where I carpooled with a few friends back up. We drove through the Bridge way (normally took the loop around Chicago and through WI) and drove across the UP in the worse snow storm I have ever encountered, with one wheel a doughnut spare! It even got up the crazy hills in Houghton once we arrived! I was so impressed with the old girl after that. When she finally kicked the bucket I bought another one just like her! :) Unfortunately due to lack of funding I didn't have a 3rd year up there.:-\ But living in a lake-effect area, it proved to be very useful anyway. Another good reason to get my butt back in a Soob!


    Just talked to a dude with a 98 GT wagon, but it is an auto. Gah! What is it with our country and lazy left feet?!? :Flame:

  14. Wish I had the extra money to spend on one like that. If my job goes through, I might have that opportunity.


    Hey 89, a little more background on that flying GL...it was owned by a dude who lived in 4th Floor East McNair (Mama's Boys), can't remember his name for the life of me. The jump took place from Lot 21 into Lot 26. I think this happened in 2001 or 2002.

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