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Everything posted by smokeeater495
Went to unplug the downstream 02 sensor and found it very loose in the bung, not sure how that happened as I installed it recently. Still no start. We tried ether and it acted like it was going to try to fire, still didn't. Pulled line off fuel filter, pressure good. So to recap. New fuel pump after no start problem, new CTS, new fuel filter, new plugs and has spark. All vacuum lines look correct. The car was running before. Frustrated.
Update. Still won't start. New plugs, old ones were mildly carboned. Changed oil, slight smell of gas. Cranks over, tries to fire when pedal is pushed to floor. Blue cloud from exhaust, smells like gas. So she was flooded. Still wont start. Pulled timing belt covers, all looks good inside. Timing marks look correct.
I've been slowly bringing a 1998 Legacy Outback back to life. Replaced full exhaust and cat. Installed downstream oxygen sensor thinking it was the only one needed. Threw code, did more research, learned about upstream sensor, installed. Car ran and drove although a little rough with just the downstream O2 sensor. Car refuses to start with upstream installed, even unplugged the harness, no change. Just pops and sputters. Have good fuel pressure. No codes when checked with scan tool. Going to try ECU reset when I get home tomorrow. Any thoughts as to where to go next. It's just odd as I drove the car about three weeks ago.
I didn't want to make the original post too long. Yes, the U joint failed. I bought this car in non running condition for $200.00. Wasn't running because someone hacked the wiring harness trying to put in a remote starter. I have that sorted. Engine runs great now. The front u joint was completely destroyed. It looks like they drove it that way for a while too because it took a chunk out of the tail housing when it finally came apart.
The car is now running. I removed the aftermarket remote starter from the factory wiring harness. Who ever installed it did not follow the instructions. They tapped into or cut the wrong wires. We restored the harness to factory condition and she fired right up. I want to thank everyone for their guidance and suggestions.
I did that. They said the unit is supposed to be piggy backed onto the factory wiring and simply unplugging it will take it out of the equation. Who ever installed it cut and spliced it into the Subaru harness. So, I need to figure out which wires can be jumped or connected to restore factory function.
I'm pretty sure now that the remote start box is the issue. The manufacturers instructions show piggy backing wiring onto the existing harness. Who ever installed it cut factory wires and reconnected to the Omega remote start. I believe that is all of my problems. Time to remove the remote start and rewire to factory original.
So far I have tried all suggestions. I am unable to locate a reset button. When connecting the battery a relay can be heard clicking in the keyless entry box and the tail lights flash. I checked for voltage to the starter down the main cable, got battery volts. Turned key and no voltage down signal wire to starter. Jumpered the trigger post and starter bumped engine. I spoke with the remote starter manufacturer and they said all wires in their unit are piggy backed and nothing interrupts vehicle harness. So I'm back to the keyless entry box and a dead Legacy. Does anyone know what color wires go to the reset switch? I have spent a lot of time under the dash and can't find the button.
Automatic transmission. I can hear a relay clicking in the Keyless Entry box up in the drivers footwell far left side, it has 3 connectors going into it. Also the little red light on the dash is flashing. The test mode connectors were connected, I unplugged them. I removed the power cable for the remote start box from the battery positive post. Still no luck.