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  • Location
    Mannington West Virginia
  • Referral
    Found on Google from searching for parts for my car
  • Biography
    Electrician and somewhat of a gear head have a 2010 gmc Sierra duramax and also a 91 Subaru loyale for free as a work car and now it needs some work specifically the front diff and trans
  • Vehicles
    91 Subaru loyale

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. Alright thank you guys but I haven't got a chance to look into it yet because I have been working like crazy but have 2 weeks off for Christmas but I got ahold of the shop that has the transmission and mind you the place is called the sube shop and all they work on is subarus but anyways he told me to check the emergency brake because it could be locking the front tires up..so tomorrow I'm going to check that out what do u guys think have u ever heard of that..I hope that's it that will be a lot cheaper
  2. Alright I'll have to try that but like I said I already have a front diff so if that's the problem I can just replace that...the tires are the same size and I was on in mud when this all happened except I got the car from my father in law and it happened to him going down the black top..and also is there anything I should know about this car like different little bugs I should look out for
  3. Have a 91 loyale automatic push button 4wd and when I drive it for a very short distance you can feel something in the front end grabbing and then all at once it's like you hit a brick wall when the front end locks up and the only way you can move is in reverse so could someone please diagnose what is wrong..I have found a new trans and front diff so if that's the problem I have the parts to fix it but don't want to replace all that if it's not the problem..thank you and I am also new to the forum and to the Subaru world so keep it simple if you could thank you
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