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  • Location
    Colorado Springs Co.
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  • Biography
    Got my 1st Subaru a 2 years ago, 260K mi, redid heads
  • Vehicles
    1999 Subaru Outback Legacy

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  1. Grossgary, I did see a connector w/ nothing plugged into it. I suspect that's the right one, but I don't know which pin to ground. Don't want to ground the wrong pin and short something out. I've also search the net to try to figure it out w/ no luck. I also have a male/female connector (with a single wire) by the one your talking about. I plugged those together and turn on the key and that sounds like the computer is looping some kind of diagnostic test on the sensors monitors.Looks like I broke the tip off the speed sensor on the RF wheel. Also bent the RF hub. Replaced the hub so far. Do you which pin I should short out?
  2. Gravitate, Thanks for the reply, but the link you pasted is for air bags, not for ABS problems.
  3. I have a 99 Subaru outback legacy wagon. It was snowing pretty good yesterday and I slid into a curb. Now the ABS light comes on after I drive it a half a block or so. Checked the speed sensors, and ring? gear, there fine. Is there a pin I can ground to get the ABS code? O'Rielly's couldn't get a code w/ there ABS scanner. If there is a pin, can you provide a pic or drawing of the connector and what pin number I need to ground? Any help is appreciated!!!
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