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  1. I have an RX-7. Don't do it. I hate that stupid thing. I put $4k into my Rex last year and drove it about 5 months of 12, hence me shopping for another Subaru. Really poor electonics and super picky mechanisms.
  2. Howdy, I'm new here, so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section and/or posted someplace else.. I searched but nothing seemed readily apparent. My wife has a '91 Loyale and we love the thing so very much (beat to hell as it is), we're considering getting another one. We have two options: - '91 Legacy Wagon.. It's white and has been sitting at a used car dealer down the road for a while other than that I don't know a lot. They don't turn things over a lot but it's $1500 which seems resonable. - '95 Legacy Wagon (ABS, AWD, Roof rack, 162K.. dunno if it's the OB, L, etc..) in the paper, $2300.. there's one other person looking at it who wants to buy it but the owner seems to think the other dude is flaky, so maybe. Anyway, when I go and look at these cars, what should I be looking for (other than the obvious look/paint stuff..?) to see if they're near death or good deals? I currently have an RX-7 and these things have a laundry list of things to check before buying. I'm thinking the Subaru's don't, but there's probably at least a few things that probably bear looking at. Also, I'm not great with cars, so if you could assume I have a dunce cap on, that'd, errr.. be helpful Thanks!
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