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Mr. Carb

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Everything posted by Mr. Carb

  1. That would explain why every turbo coup or every sedan I've seen that was 4wd ea81, was automatic.... or is... automatic.
  2. Ok, Today My friend Dave and I got alot done. Got the whole powersteering rack in, got the pump mounted and the belt hooked up. All thats left to do, is to bolt the tierods to the hubs... put the wheels on. bolt in the engine mounts, exhaust pipe, and retorqe the cross membor real quick, and it'll be good to go. Next will be the rear disc brakes. Long day, now I'm gonna go take a shower and pass out. Later:banana:
  3. Oh I'm not, are ya kidden?! the other project is for use when the brat is under:) I just have to wait til tuesday to call my insurance company, they're closed until tuesday. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the car, I just have to call him up, and ask him what the rates would do if I got it. I'm getting a massive discount on rates in 2 weeks when I turn 21.. So I'm guessing it won't be much more to add a second car to my liability insurance policy. Not like I can drive 2 cars at once.
  4. Yeah I will. Yeah, it's a bit of a mess, but thanks to austin's habbits of cleaning cross membors, it's not to bad. and the doner car with the rack in it, doesn't have an engine in it to deal with, or hubs for that matter, considering I already took the hub:) I have a friend helping me out here and there with the work. He really knows what hes doing. But yeah, at 6pm we're headin up to grab the steering rack out of the doner car and we're gonna put it in tonight/tomarrow. I imagine I probably have to take the engine out while doing this.
  5. Well the new cv axle already has a ripped outer boot... Taking it back in on tuesday. Got the new hub on. tierod suffered damage in detachment from the old hub, so I'm going to go ahead and install the powersteering rack. I have to go pull it first. Thats tomarrow's and monday's plan.
  6. Well, it's not going very smoothly, most of the stuff is frozen together still on the front hub, and my brand new cv axle is already broken. The outer boot ripped already (1 week old) so I'm gonna have to take the axle back to the store. For now, I'm just going to wait til daylight to pound away on the hub to get it lose. It's attached really well to the steering knuckle. I can't get it to budge without making alot of noise. I'll be working on it again after 6pm tomarrow.
  7. Basically, when I got the car, the insides were trashed with cigar ash, and all ripped up, so I just pulled tan seats and carpet, and a centercouncle out of an 86 hatch back sitting in PAP. and threw them in for now. I used the tan colored ones because they were in perfect condition. no rips or nothing. When I find blue replacements, I'll be changing it back to blue and selling the tan carpet and seats and so on. The part I'm going to work on is the dash, I'm tearing the whole dash out, and cleaning out everything in it. like all the pipes for the ventalation system, I'm even going to take and wash out and blow out the heater core it's self. Everytime I kick on the defrost a layer of dust coats everything in the car, and it's brown dust, not grey dust. Thats mainly what I'm doing on the interior. As far as getting interier parts fixed, like seats and what not, it's probably cheeper to get good ones out of the junkyard, or ocasionally some pop up in the market place.
  8. Yep, I just need to find something to drive while it undergoes major work:lol:
  9. I'm doing work to my brat over the weekend, alot of work depending on how smoothly things go... First, I'm gonna replace that wheel bearing hub, with one good one from a parts car... Next, I'm installing rear disc brakes onto the car. Then, I'm gonna rip apart the interior and completly rebuild it, cleaning out all the ventalation ducts cause they stink like bad smoke. Previous owner was a smoker. Then I'm replacing the y-pipe. I will be adding pictures in my garage website and info as it progesses. I'm hoping to get all but the interior done this weekend. I'm looking into getting a second car to drive to work while I do major work to the brat to bring it all up to good shape. I may even get it repainted in the next comming months.
  10. Well, it's come a long way... The plus side to this car, is it has a really good running engine in it. it just needs everything else done... and yeah the fact that it's a rust free body does make it hard for me to really actually sell the car. I've decided what I need to do is find another car I can drive for a month and get all the major stuff I want done on it, done... so the rest can be fixed within a few hours per day. Part of my problem is, I work every single day of the week, so I don't have much time to work on it in one day, and it's my only way of getting to work. Slows me down lol. Wonder if anyone's got any wagons sitting around on the market place they're trying to get rid of for cheap... I think I'll post an add lol, but hey, thanks for puttin up with my ranting and thanks for the imput guys.
  11. LOL maybe, I was P.O.ed at it earlier when I started this tread. if it isn't obvious. But I'm sticking rear disc brakes on it to fix the brake problem. It needs some frame streightening work I think... and a new front bearing. The bearing part looks doable... I'm just having a hard time getting the parts from someone who offered them to me. I orginally wanted to get that sucker repainted this summer, but, that didn't happen. It's just an old project driving me nuts cause I was hoping it'd be done by now, and still has the same problems it had when I got it, except, for the engine. At this point, I've done so much work on it, and it hasn't really paid off yet... so I've been getting fustrated with it. But I'm hoping I'll feel much better when I get it done. If I get it done.
  12. Eh, I'm just trying to figure out if this car is really worth all the work it needs.... Whats everyone else's thoughts?
  13. ok, yeah, this one's no where near perfect, half the body parts like doors,fenders, and hood don't line up, it's got bad wheel bearings and not working breaks... And I'm unable to get certain people to help me with it and I don't think it's worth the money to send off to a shop to fix it. I'm a little bit upset with it right now and Might sell it... I'm thinking about it still. At this point, I think it'll only make a good offroad beater... it'll never look nice. And I don't really have the room or money for 2 cars so I don't think it's gonna stick around if I find a working in decent shape car.
  14. How much are running brats with no bed rust and a topper worth on the board these days?
  15. yeah if I do one bearing, I'm gonna do the entire hub... May as well. But hey, thanks everyone for the help and input. Gonna get this thing fixed up here tomarrow or tonight hopefully.
  16. Yes I am ... if ya have any, I will give 100 bucks for a set. Thanks, Yeah austin's got a nice parts wagon with good bearings, we're gonna pull them from that car. I just got done talking to him after I posted lol
  17. btw, thanks for the knowledge, I didn't think that was right, My dad just claimed they're pressed on and I have to get a bearing press to get it off...
  18. yep, well the car is put together with the new axle and the ruined bearing for now, anyone have any idea how much new bearings go for?
  19. quick question (I have alot of these) anyway, are the front wheel bearings suposed to be pressed on to the cv axles so firmly that when you remove the axle, it takes the bearing with?
  20. carfreak: :-p !!! I am still the first to start a thread about it
  21. If anyone hasn't seen Nepoleon Dynimite yet, they should, cause it has a red Subaru Brat in it with Jump Seats, the car looks brand new! lol
  22. Just a short question. Do the DigiDash ea81 clusters wire up to the same plugs that the anologue instrument clusters do?
  23. the standerd ea81 cooling fans (not the a/c secondary fan) does indeed draw about 10 amps for the starting, probably drops to around 4-6amps once it's spun up to speed. Pretty heafty little moter they cramed in thoes fans.
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