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Mr. Carb

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Everything posted by Mr. Carb

  1. Nice Job! as long as that rear end doesn't snag a tree stump or sharp rock, you're unstopable!
  2. I like my brat because of the gas milliage and it's capibility to go on virturally any mild terrain.... It's become a very useful car, I don't have to worrie about it scrapping bottom if I go down a deep pot hole riddled gravel alley, or if I try navigating a parking lot and don't feel like driving all the way around the curb, just drive on over it... And the moters are tough little engines, they never die, unless ran without oil, or water, they don't die. Kinda like the old Chrysler I used to drive, the moter in that thing has almost half a million miles on it. from what I've seen, Subaru engines after maybe having the heads rebuilt once, will go for a good 300-400k miles before the bottom half ever wears out as long as it's taken care of.
  3. hmmm, ok... Well thanks for the info. Looks like if it's involving that much work, I'm just gonna go find some new ea81 vented rooters...
  4. My car is an 84, has vented rooters, still paper thin.... I've herd of it done, so I find it hard believe it's not possible. *shrugs*
  5. didn't come up with much in the way of results.... found a thread carfreak started, Wonder if he's had any luck. Anyway anyone else experienced doign that conversion? I hope it's mostly bolt in, cause I heard from austin that the ea81 rooters are so thin that they always easily warp, and mine are warped, and I saw the ea82's vs the ea81's, and I really feel safer if I can to throw the ea82's on there with calipers and new break pads... my breaks are pretty much metal to metal, passenger side is currently eating away at the rivits... driver's side is almost there.:cool:
  6. well yeah, I'm implieing that I use the ea82 calipers as well... I'll do a search and see what I find, thanks
  7. Thinking about putting thicker, ea82 disc rooters on to my brat... anything special I might run into or should it be bolt in?
  8. uh oh, from what I've herd from everyone else, sounds like a blown headgasket possible.
  9. wow, no one has it in stock, and it's 33 bucks! I decided I'm better off pulling one from pap for a buck.
  10. I grounded out the therm switch and the fan came to life, so the therm switch is bad, I hardwired the fan and now am on my way to the auto parts store.
  11. Well, I replaced the t-stat, its working much better for warming up, but now, the cooling fan doesn't kick on when the radiator gets hot. I've checked fuses, looked at wireing, nothing seems to be flakey, do fans usallaly suddendly quit working? or is that a bad fan sensor in the radiator?
  12. I think I'm going with stock temprature, cause austin didn't have much luck with his 180 degree thermostat, least thats what I herd... I'm headin to the parts store today to figure out what I'm getting. But thanks everyone for all the input so far. it's been helpful.
  13. thermostats are right in that little piece where the top hose goes into the intake manofold right? I have to replace it, unless something else can cause the water to not cirulate from the radiator to the engine.
  14. well, I asumed all the coolant got drained from the system due to the overflow tank falling on it's side, turns out, the radiator was full of coolant, but cold, the engine is hot, that says to me the thermostat decided to lock up on me. I'm going to shucks tomarrow for a new one.
  15. from what I've herd, turbo's on ea81's don't have coolant passages, just oil passages. However I've never looked at an ea81 turbo to know where any of the other stuff goes... sorry.
  16. Are ea81 radiators suposed to have an overflow tank? Austin put in some ea82 tank that just sits in the spare tire jack spot, and so everytime I go around a corner it tips over, dumps ALL of my coolant out and my car overheats... I'm gonna go secure it in place, but I'm not even sure it's suposed to have one or not. Whats someone else's opinion?
  17. one sure way to find out, is to start the car with the front end in the air, put it in gear, but keep the clutch disingaged, and see if the wheels spin a little or not. Just what I do, unless it's all wheel drive.
  18. Sounds like something to try:brow: If I suceed, and it's fairly cheap to do, I'm thinking about putting together kits, for diffrent dash colors, and seeing if they sell, Austin thinks it's a really good idea:)
  19. I've already got one lol. I have it all apart, I just need to find blue pieces of plastic to replace the yellow ones with.
  20. So, today, I decided to attempt to replace my dash lights with blue bulbs... well. I quickly descovered that I have to tear apart half the dash and remove the instrument cluster first before getting to the bulbs. So I spent 2 hours at this, put in the bulbs... and was very pleased with results, other than the fact that the front 2 mini lamps have a big yellow filter in the fixture, and unfortunataly are the 2 main light producing lights... So, back to the drawing board, I'm wondering if theres an easy way to change thoes yellow pieces of thin plastic to blue pieces of thin plastic... I have a second insturment cluster I've decided I'm going to expierment with the bulb colors for now and a 12 volt power supply instead of tearing apart my dash everytime I wanna see how it looks. If anyone has any cool ideas I haven't thought of, I'd like to hear em Thanks all.
  21. I'm working with an extra instrument cluster from an ea81, and I have a clock here, that naturally is blue, but has a green tint sheild on the cover, I'm thinking about finding some blue tint to replace the green with as I am converting the dash lights to blue instead of yellow, whats anyone else's thought on this?
  22. ok, so when I get a chance, I'm going to bleed the master cylender, and hill holder, then I'm gonna go looking for the fluid leak, for all I know it could be a leaky bleeder nipple on the MC. Anyway, then I need to get new front roters and brake pads lol:banghead:
  23. that thing looks really nice... I was sick of seeing them in white. I want a black one now lol:grin:
  24. Austin gave me some new alloy rims, well they're not new, infact they are pretty dirty up close. But heres a picture, I think it makes my brat look alot nicer now. http://usmb.net/gallery/album146/New_Rims
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