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About JRSFleming

  • Birthday September 6

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Fleming, CO,
  • Referral
    Internet search
  • Biography
    It's my wife's car and I am the wrench..
  • Vehicles
    2012 Subaru Forester

JRSFleming's Achievements


Newbie (1/11)



  1. The check engine light triggers after a trip of more than 20 or so miles.. turn off engine for a short time, like filling up or shopping.. then back in and start up.. the engine is not all the way cooled off, however after a long trip, no stops, turn off and the next day start up.. no light.. it's weird..
  2. I have the same code.. it keeps appearing.. I've taken off the MAF, cleaned with brake cleaner (non residue), and have put sea foam into the tank x 2 now, am currently checking vacuum hoses and looking for leaks there too.. no luck on finding those yet.. but the code continues to trigger.. I've read that it might be a bad EGR valve too.. but last night on my OBD DIag. and reading in another forum found that the Long term fuel trim and short term fuel trim readings (in a percentage) should not go higher than 14% when added together, I actually watched the long term steadily climb and the short term eventually as well. and I could see it was a pending code on the OBD Diag tool.. see the difference in the two screen captures.. Anybody have any other ideas?
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