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Everything posted by wintersubaru

  1. Well today I really romped on the old sube (192.000 miles) going up a hill started losing power looked in my rearview and seen the biggest cloud of smoke i ever did see. Got to top of hill smoke stopped power picked back up. Opened air cleaner when i got to work was soaked with oil. (Was over filled some) didn't do it again but now i guess its time to put in engine with 96.000 miles. No more beating this one since i have to drive 25 miles one way to work everyday and don't have time to change engine untill two saterdays from now.
  2. forgot about that exon he his an exalent sube mech to delt with him when i lived in sedona. he is allways to busy thou.but he does have parts! Got carb and intake for 20 bucks!
  3. If you can get it to larry he will be able to tell you just what you will need he could evan do an engine swap in about 4 hours for ya if its needed. Besides sedona is a must see in A.Z since your going to be there and Hawkeye R.V park is really beutiful and you can camp there.There is a cliff to jump off into a great mountain stream. Here is Larrys number if you get near there and break down he will evan do road service (928 300 5569). Don't forget to tell him Dave & jesi sent you he will probaly give you a good discount. Allso there is at least two junk yards near there with subes in them.
  4. If your going to flagstaff stop in sedona 40 miles south. Find an R.V park called Hawkeye its right in up town. when you get there ask for larry the mechanic. Tell him Dave sent you he is the best mech i ever met and his prices are the cheapest in the state of A.Z. he also knows some one that has three gl 10's for parts so check him out he will be able to get you to Alaska. Good luck and have fun
  5. I know of an engine that will solve all these problems. Crysler had one ine the 60's and pontiac is working on it again.will burn anything liquid that will ignite and get at least 60 M.P.G. ITS CALLED A TURBINE! But thanks to big oil we may never see it in a car.
  6. Thanks i wil look at that tommorow. Stuff like that is good info but for the price i paid if i need one i will just have my bud in A.Z. to send a rust free one. Thats why jacking points rusted dirt and stuff got inside of body shell in front of rear tires and held moisture. Not a big problem will probaly put por 15 on it then fiberglas in many layers bit allso drill holes to let any water that gets in drain out. Had 79 V.W dasher i got for free and both frame rails around front wheels where rusted the guy that gave it to me fiberglassed the heck out of it and it lasted another two years. Im sure if he would have treated the rust to keep it from spreading it would have lasted longer but the rust kept going up to the strut towers so it was the end of it.
  7. After more inspection of my 200$ 92 legacy i found more rust under back wheel wells. No rust on main frame just some on jacking points. (I never use those points anyway i use hydrolic on frame its self) A couple of weeks ago i read a foram about some stuff you can get that you spray on and the next day the rust will turn gray or black. Since i plan on fixing this rust i would like to get rid as much as possible with out to much cutting or grinding. Does anyone know the name of this rust remover? How well does it work, will it stop the rust from spreading? Thanks again for all your help!
  8. Thank you every one for info. I will be doing some body work to pas inspection but not much paint.hood latch moves when you push down on it with screw driver but does not lock, Checked cable it is fine i will just go to J.Y and get latch. Turns out car belonged to elderly people and they junked it because of the little rust and what they called high miles they where first owners. The tire i thought was bad just has a nail in it. Still need one front tire tread is getting low, all other tires are fine. so any feed back on check engine light coming on for 5 or so minutes then going out? Dirty M.A.F sensor maybe? did sit for over a year. Has anyone ever lfted a legacy? Do they do as well off road as 86 wagon does? will 15 inch wheels fit it? and how big of tires can i fit under it? Thank you U.S.M.B. members for all your help (Tear in i because i feel the brotherhood of you all)
  9. Picked up the legacy today. Ran very well tranny shifted fine engine came up to temp nicely fan came on after idleing for 10 minutes no antifreeze in oil and vice versa. after fresh gas rpms came up fast. Check engine light comes on for about 5 minutes then goes out. Has small t.o.d but fresh oil and seafoam should take care of that.NOW for some questins? what kind of fluid should tranny take? (Auto) Smelled like and looked like gear oil but not burnt. Does tranny have screen to replace? What weight oil should i put in engine? Do all legacys have for wheel disk brakes? For some reason hood wont latch, did spray it with wd 40. shuts just wont latch on main latch. Thanks for all the feedback allready glad i bought it has so much more power then 86 gl wagon was up to 60 before i knew it!
  10. Have other engine for 86 that i just bought for 150$ with 96.000 getting ready to put in so i plan to keep both. If i get legacy 86 will be taken of the road so i can do some much needed work Brakes,tires, struts, shocks,.Etc wagon has 191.000 miles with the loudest T.O.D i ever did hear thats why swap is planned, Besides couldnt turn down ea82 with 96 grand for that price.
  11. Low price is because this guy dosen't really know value of subarus (lucky there)and its sitting on a lot where there is an old garage that dosen't do much in a small town in norhteast P.A. He said he usally just sells parts but in this case he hasen't sold anything off it and its been there for two years. As for work i can do anything to it except window (Have cheap sorce for that) 150.oo$ dollars installed. If it does need tranny i have many places i can get them for anywhere from 100$ at pull your own to 500$ at a place that gives 90 day warrenty (lower price for higher miles) if all else fails in tranny department maybe i will drop it in the 86 gl wagon. I know and trust sube engines but don't know sqwat about auto tranns.Are they good for hi miles if takken care of?
  12. Need some opions. I can buy 92 legacy for 200.oo$ only thing it needs is windsheild, back tire and one small rust spot on front fender low behind front wheel. Only has 191.000 miles runs great, tranny is auto, fluid is in good shape. Never had newer sube was wondering if auto tranny,s or good? It is all wheel drive. body has no dents and paint is still good. INside is clean. Sat for two years. All you newer genaration members i would like your feedback please, All others feel free to chime in to!
  13. To bad you didnt live a little bit further north like carbon county like lehighton because up hear as long as you have the cat on and brakes,tires, lights, wipers horn all work and are in good condition and its not to rusty they dont have emissions yet so the few other problems under the hood most places where i go dont even look! But to get inspection up here you need addres up here.
  14. my 86 gl 4x4 wagon is wearing on the inside but im pretty sure its because my back shocks are bad I hope!
  15. I have A 86 gl 4x4 wagon that needs front struts and rear shocks. my question is since i have the manual adjust type when i replace them am i going to lose that adjustment or do they sell struts and shocks new that have that option on it?
  16. 190.000 still ticking strong! Raced 2002 hynda on the track in 1/4 mile with stock carbed 86 gl wagon 4x4 with no cat and the loudest T.O.D you ever herd. I beat him by half car lenth all the way.Was a race for charity at local airport! Every thing else blow me a way! The kid in the other car was realy tring to. Was taking my car to 6500 hundred R.P.Ms before shifts,Never let of the gas once just held it to the floor and let it fly.Didnt get a time in1/4 because it was just between to cars no timers. probaly hit 78 mph at least LOL.
  17. I have the opertunity to get my heads shaved for 22$ a head. So my question is this since the engine i bought set for like 2 years is it possiable that antifreeze corroded the head gaskets ? Engine only has 96000 miles on it belonged to old man who used on his farm to hall feed to livestock. I did start the engine but did not let run long because it set so long.Antifreeze looked good as did the oil(still clean). So how far can i shave the heads if i have to put head gaskets on and how much more compression will it give me? Ea 82 carbed engine from 86 2 wheel drive car.
  18. How long can an engine sit untill head gaskets corrode from antifreeze? how can you tell if they are with out starting engine?
  19. Where at in pennsylvania? Or as i like to call it pennsyltucky!!
  20. finally got around to taking off the t belt covers on the engine i bought with 96000 miles on ea82. I noticed that there where chalk marks on the cam gears. Did they normaly at the factory or did maybe some on just replace them? The car belong to an old man that used it for his farm but it set for like two years. all timing marks line up. Thanks for any feed back.
  21. Depends on how much mechanical expereance you have. Most could be done in about three hours, The carb i would find some old school rebuilder to do, parts r cheap but labor is what kills ya!!
  22. So hows this sound for a deal! I found an engine 96000 miles in a junk yard. Ea82 carbed 1986 same as mine 150 $ pulled.belonged to an old man who was the origanal owner.Car was rusty so he junked it JY was getting ready to crush the poor thing when i took some cans in for recycle. got 6 bucks for the cans and a nice low mile engine! plan on doing swap next week.think i should do timming belts while its out?
  23. no oil comming yet so maybe pcv valve i hope.
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