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Jack in Norfolk

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Posts posted by Jack in Norfolk

  1. 41 minutes ago, IROCDUDE89 said:

    Thank you. But I will change the first post so everyone will calm down. And as far as shipping. He offered it to me for $500 shipped. So I figured he had everything planned out if he knew how much he could ship it for

    Glad to see that you changed the post. Thank you for your consideration.

    More importantly, I was really glad to see you note that Shawn is a good guy! Always good to see things come to an amicable resolution. 

    Aside from our shared interest in these awesome and quirky little cars, the thing that has always made this forum stand out to me is the level of decorum. There is a distinct lack of D-bags on the USMB. Since my first Subie, I have owned Toyotas, Hondas, a Jeep and a Dodge. The other forums can be brutal! Ask one wrong question, and someone with a whole lot of "keyboard courage" is posting awful things about your Mom simply because you are a "noob." Somehow, we don't seem to get into the negativity, the politics, the "toxic masculinity" and all of the other crap that pops up on other car forums. I have found the USMB members to be genuinely good folks and I truly enjoy the camaraderie. So thank you for re-affirming all of that today IrocDude.

    The Subarus we like are growing scarce, and eventually, the knowledge of these cars will as well. We all make better friends than enemies and it's in our best interest to to find a way to keep on keeping on as a community.

    • Like 2
  2. Sounds like you've made up your mind, and I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but have you considered bolting on a 2x8 to act as a wooden bumper until you have some time & loot to fix it properly? 

    I don't know the laws where you live, and this probably wouldn't fly here in Massachusetts, but this was a pretty common "repair" when I was growing up in VA. You can take the boy out of the South....

    It's a nice car and I'd hate to see it discarded because of s lame insurance adjuster.

  3. I didn't see anyone else mention this, but Shawn is not the creator of the forum; Billy Clements created it sometime before I joined in 1997 or so.

    I'm not saying this to defame Shawn at all, but rather to point out what a good guy he is for taking over USMB and acting as "curator" of this long-running wealth of Subaru knowledge and community. 

    Had I been in the buyer's situation, I would also have been frustrated with the events that took place and the time frame, especially given the lack of communication (obviously the most frustrating part of the ordeal). I'm glad that some resolution has been reached, but Shawn has been accused of being a thief, something that has proven to be untrue. Those words remain in plain letters for all to read. A public apology is in order. 

    If the buyer is still pissed about the way things transpired, that is certainly understandable, but the criticism should be based on what happened, or rather what did not (effective communications) rather than allowing an untrue accusation to stand.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Traxx said:

    Just a picture I found on the Interwebs, These ones? I have the defroster there but nothing else. I'll see what I have left on my other dash and try and think of something. I figured it would be nice to have the extras for something in the future while still keeping the factory look. 

    wpid-57ed399e58cef (1).jpg

    Looks like this one had headlight washers! Was that ever offered in the US? Any guesses on what the button to the right of the defrost does?

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, GeneralDisorder said:

    When the USMB finally dies out completely - people will just have to call my shop and hope I'm available and in the mood to deal with questions. I have mostly stopped answering the phone because of the telemarketing calls. I get enough of the social media from having a "fakebook" page for my shop (and soon instagripe and snapchit as well I'm sure). I can't stand all the advertising on the social media and the huge waste of time it is to see pictures of what other people had for lunch and the general minutia of their daily lives. I DONT CARE. Also the learned helplessness of the masses. Jeezus. It's just a side-show of foolishness and a giant look-at-me contest. There's no value in it for me. I frequent other applicable car forums besides this one - mostly Chevy stuff. There's still some pretty active ones for the old American iron - most of those old codgers wouldn't consider making the switch to social media platforms.


    I agree with all of these criticisms. Particularly the advertising! I mostly hate FB, because of all of the time I spend (waste) on there. I have a very scattered group of friends and FB has proven a somewhat effective way to keep track of everyone. What I do not like though is how strained some of these relationships can become based on divisive issues like politics. If I were in a bar with a buddy, I feel confident that we could put a disagreement to rest pretty quickly with a joke, but man do things get heated on social media! I am certainly outspoken, but at the same time, I am not interested in getting into it with most people about hot button issues like religion and politics.

    I always liked USMB because there is a certain level of civility here; a "live and let live" spirit. I have had other cars and visited other forums for Jeeps, Dodges, Hondas, Minis, etc... Some of those mofos are crazy! There is an unwelcoming feeling to some of these forums. Because USMB is such a cool place with great members I have come back to this forum with non-subaru questions from time to time in the non-subaru areas of USMB. I've always received great support there too.

    So thank you all for providing a place online where I feel at home and can access such a wealth of knowledge. 

    Hope the day never comes when USMB dies out!

    • Like 2
  6. On 4/5/2018 at 1:24 AM, AtlasTitan said:

    I have found a 1984 4wd Turbo Coupe in my area for sale. Has an automatic transmission currently. I'm new to the world of mods so I have a few questions about it.


    Is there anything to worry about with the turbo? Are the engines as reliable as a non turbo EA-82?


    I have a guy in my area with a few GL wagons with the hi/lo 4x4 and manual transmissions, could I swap out the automatic and push button in the 84 for this set up? It would be ideal for me if it's possible.


    Any further insight is appreciated before I pull the trigger. Thanks!

    Did you end up buying it?

  7. I know this is an old thread, but I'm wondering if the transformation was done?

    As Moosens will tell you, I have had a convertible at the top of my wish list for a very long time. I would also like to change some things around when and if I find a drop top.



  8. I realize that this is an unusual question, maybe even the first time it has been asked?

    I have always wanted a Brat, since before I could drive. I have a spoiled rotten German Shepherd that we rescued. She is accustomed to having the whole back seat and being able to stick her face out of the window of a 4 door vehicle. I'm wondering where Brat owners put their dogs when they go for a ride. I doubt she'd sit up front, and I'm guessing that a Canopy and some bedding back there is the way to go.

    Hard top owners- I love these cars too and am thinking about trying to pick one up. The back seat is an added plus. I'm wondering if when the rear quarter windows are down is there enough room for a good size dog to stick her face out of.

    If this sounds like ridiculous criteria upon which to base the purchase of a car, that's because it is. Somewhere along the way I'm afraid that I have become one of those crazy dog people.


    Thanks very much


    • Like 1
  9. what about starting with a clean body and getting LineX coating sprayed under the chassis and wheel wells? that is what I am planning to do on my brat when I get the body fixed. partially to prevent rust, but also because I want to rally it and don't want to have to worry about gravel destroying the underside.


    Not a bad idea. I guess I just always worry about sealing in existing rust with something as permanent and concealing as Line X. I understand your premise of starting with something clean, but living in salty environments, I guess I'm a little hyper sensitive about the possibility of oxidation that I may have overlooked on a "clean" 22 year old car.

    In other words, your idea is a good one, I am just kind of psycho about rust because of previous experiences. :)

  10. Jack , just get what you want and enjoy it and don’t cry so much at the end of the fun.


    Tar , oil , all sorts of cheap and effective methods. My uncles 69 Ford pick up with full metal tool boxes and 60’s tubular steel ladder rack is still in very nice shape from his light oil treatments. Parked over dirt with light gravel.


    So , it can be done with diligence.


    My 78 was given Zeibart rust proofing - tar like - and worked really great. So that gave the car 35+ years here in salty CT.

    Just this past year I’m finally giving up on it , but could still be kept alive.

    It’s in the north east corner of CT if you’re curious.


    I used mine hard during winters. Screw what anybody says. It’s yours. These vehicles were made for snow fun.


    Was the ziebart applied when the car was new, or later on in its life?  I'm wondering if spraying the bottom of a car built in 1984 and expecting decent protection is a fool's errand. 

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