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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. lol yeah it must be the radiation messing with my brain! :lol:
  2. Ok everyone how about 11am!!!! On that saturday!!! Its a good time to allow us to do an early evening run
  3. the bigger tires does not make that much of a difference, i have a gps with me constantly and it is tops 3mph difference and i can still get 26mpg... now during spring and early summer i get even better gas mileage, last year when i first swaped my motor i was getting close to 28.... again it is not a big deal if the odometer is about 3mph off, it also only occurs above 45mph, under 45mph is the same of what the gps is showing... now i wonder if a speed sensor from an outback should take care of that... hmmm harrys run!!!
  4. hmm maybe the new legacy, you know the white one... connie!!! :lol:
  5. lets hope we dont have to drag another forester out of the water this time sure you can bring the family along... but this time will be a bigger group less time unscheduled stops ... i gotta try to get everyone down to the red pit and frenchies...
  6. nice more people is always nice... ok so its the 28th right? :banana::banana: i have my Saturday open for that day
  7. sigh...driveshafts can be very mood sometimes.... if you twist it the wrong way, it will give you grief... i am on my second set on my lego and its still making some noise... i would day go to the junk yard and get a used one
  8. it was an AT for AT, the original ATs front diff is was shot.... well as far as tips and triks... 3.5 ton plus high lift jack with a low profile... high floor stands on top of patio bricks, the car needs to be at least 24" off the ground, be careful once u separate the tranny from the engine, it will plunge down risk of knocking the floor stand from under the car.... getting the trans up is beotch... jack backwards, jack handle on the driveshaft tunnel and at least 3 people helping ya to line up the studs, again watch out with the balance of the new tranny on the jack... oh also u will have to lift the motor through the front so it tilts backwards to make the line up a bit easier... yes we are going with OB struts and springs and plans for king springs and lift kit in the future
  9. hello welcome aboard here you'll find an extensive knowledge resource and good friends too good luck Neo
  10. there is a way to do it, i know how, but its very dangerous, you will have to install a relay to go off whenever u have the car off, if you leave it on it will toast your trans... i wanted to do it to Subarina but i gave up the idea.... :-\ its a 50/50 lockup
  11. sigh.. i need the barrens!!!!!! i need to see some pine trees and sand and mud and a forester floating! :lol::grin:
  12. is it friday yet, i wanna finish it!!!!!!!! and off course see my best friend Bucky :grin::grin:
  13. note to self: never lay under the car while removing a trans! it will plunge down :lol::lol::banana::banana:
  14. cool tom!! at least we are gonna have a rescue vehicle.... just dont get stuck with that thing, it will take 20 little subarus to get that monster off the mud :lol::grin:
  15. ok ok i'll tell the story... .. picture it... nj november 2008... cold end of the afternoon almost dusk... while riding through the woods of the barrens being following by two other brotherhood subarus, we suddenly see a deer running from something we couldnt distinguish... now was it a black panther? was it a coyote? or was it what we all fear the most... The Jersey Devil? :lol::banana: paully!! we need to camp out there, me, connie, you, luke, tom from awd.. it should be a great time
  16. i'm in... i'm getting my tranny done this weekend so sometime in march will do... Paul which saturday did u have in mind? and off course when is your bday?
  17. change your CTS (coolant temp sensor) and all the problems will be gone.. somehow, they usually dont throw codes i had teh same problem not too long ago with my lego
  18. so i am gettng my trans fixed soon... as soon as i get it done then we can set up a new date for another run :banana::banana::banana:
  19. hmmm here is the correct number.. my typo... sorry TZ102ZABAA its a 4.11 right?
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