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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. ok i am getting that 175 trans this is the trans code TZ102Z2ABA will it work?... do i have to change the TCU hmmmmmmm
  2. this trans form the impreza is from a 2.2 i am just waiting for the guy to call back with a trans number
  3. ok thats a start.. now how about 2 yrs ahead? i am looking specifically for a 99 impreza thats the tranny i am going with for my lego
  4. cant seem to find info on the imprezas 4eat gear ratio now i just need to know if it is a 4.11 or what grrrrr
  5. Another quick question... Are the gear ratios the same for the Imp ATs up to 00 also??
  6. Engine is a 2.2L, interference motor... ...you have the classic right cam and crank seal leaks... when u do the timing belt, do the seals too. Now, be careful who do u send it to get it done.. not all mechanics know that subaru wet interference in 1997 and up
  7. oh and here is the rest of the pics http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd75/njdrsubaru/LB%20motor%20In/ and btw i am not trying to be a post w. . .e :lol::lol::lol::grin::grin:
  8. "you did what? paint on my f...g fender, i will kill you" :grin: it was a fun day.. many thanks to john, steve and jess for making it possible.. we had a blast... and off course the food was awsome as usuall
  9. :grin: i just changed mine today its right under the aic valve... under the passenger side intake manifold... with a brown plug, screwed into the coolant return pipe... tip: heat the car up to normal running temp, then let it cool down enough so u can touch that way u have a warm engine and the hoses u need to removed will come off easily
  10. omg u are a little early and outta control arent u? :lol::lol::banana::banana:
  11. am I reading it right or that is for 5spd and 6spd trans only? thanks though i already have that but i wanted a chart for the ATs only johnceggleston posted the info that can help me thanks alot Neo
  12. where could i find a chart for early to late 90's, i need to know ratios of trans and rear diff.... thanks Neo
  13. good to know they had a good time i will def post another one at the end of the month but :lol::lol:this time we'll have a rescue vehicle with us
  14. tom (subaru360) we are planning something for feb.... dont know a date yet... we will def let ya know... specially that the suburban could pull one of us out of the ice! :lol::lol:
  15. sweet tom (subaru360)... if u bring the surburban down... we can have a rescue vehicle on hand, for tom and his swimming forester!! :lol:
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