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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. make the plate bigger than the crossmember and then slit two tabs from it in almost a s shaped tab and attach it by welding a anchor point and bolt them together..... hmmm was i clear enough, i have this on my head but cant get it on paper...
  2. nahh its a second TPS for some reason the AIC valve is right below... i kow that valve pretty well but 2 tps!! yikes lol its weird
  3. i completly agree with you.. now its the impreza wagon dropped? no more OBS? hmmm:rolleyes:
  4. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1235687&page=3 scroll down and look at the blue beast! some like it, some dont... well i love it! its a hatch :banana:
  5. yeah i was looking under the hook of my impreza ej18 and under the hood of a 93 legacy ej22 and here are the little differences, keep in mind that i am very familiar to the ej22s, but these little differences blew my mind off ej18 has no knock sensor!!!!! ej18 has a EGR valve EJ18 throttle body has two TPSs off course the wiring is a little different, but no knock sensor!!!!!!!! and again no knock sensor!!!! couldnt find one... whet else am i forgeting?? give me your differences....
  6. hmmmm i'm itching for this, i'm gonna start something this weekend
  7. Connie, I'll come up on the weekend of the 14th to help ya with the brakes... but you'll have to come down to the barrens at the end of April :lol:
  8. seafood is good with me, i can bring some stuff to throw at the grill during the day... but i cant stay at night gotta be home before midnight or i'll turn into a..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. nice nick.... i take u got my IM last night so hows your "respect" for the landrover now? is it all transfered to the subaru?? hahaha:lol: :lol:
  10. i dont think we should glue anything to it but make something that goes around the oil pan, or simply just protect the pan like the front skid plates
  11. Has anyone ever finshed this project? Its a reality when it comes to offroading with the 4EAT thanks Neo
  12. Hey guys i've been looking around but nothing, do you know where i could find a 4EAT skid plate? would i have to fab my own? i am a Pine Barrens whore now, lol i need a skid for the tranny due to heavy duty mud climbing....
  13. i'm corresponding with the jeep guys and see if i can get a date that they are going out thre.... i'm thinking about april 21st... what do you think?
  14. hehe now that i look at pics of my behind.... i have a nice rear end!!! :lol: :lol:
  15. Paul its a state law that you must come next month!!!!!!!!!! we missed you and your name was mentioned a few times.... so no buts and ifs, you must come next month :grin: yeah teh jeeps were great, they were going thorgh some deep stuff, but that didnt stop us at the end from going through some water (watch the videos) awsome, enjoy the videos Neo
  16. Hello all here are the pics for the PB run we joined a few jeeps....wtach the videos to see how the subarus take on the jeeps and landrovers, we had a great time and to surprise us Nicks 84 wagon took on the jeeps at the mud pit hahaha, everyone else got stuck but the subaru 4 pages of pictures, enjoy... http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showgallery.php?cat=982&ppuser= videos to come
  17. where is this place btw, can someone get me an address, i've been reading about it here and there and i'm curious, is it an subaru haven?
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