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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. welcome aboard fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride here :lol:
  2. heheh almost got into an accident too this morning a dumb lady just stopped out of nowhere in the middle of RT22!!!! she went from 60 to 0 without thinking! stupid beooch
  3. Hey Paul congrats on the job, we'll definetely miss you, cant wai to see what you'll be driving by next time cheers Neo
  4. here is the weather for saturday Saturday, Mar 24 High: 50 °F RealFeel®: 46 °F Mostly cloudy, chance of a little rain; cooler
  5. dude look behind that piece... there are some clips, try to replace those clips, also on that corner looks like there is a screw that hold it in. If all of it fails, just put a piece of ductape to hold it in for saturday then you take your time to fix it after that...
  6. yup rain or shine about the part that broke off it could be reattached with "dibond" or something.. however leave it off till the weather warms up a little and after the barrens, you dont want to loose that in the sand... Sorry to inform you but your car will have to be washed again after the barrens :lol: the place is dusty and with all this rain lately it will be sorta mudy... also i think there is rain in the forecast for friday so that means saturday will be all sticky To all... wear snow boots and if possible ruber mats in the car. it will be a bit weter than expected
  7. so am I, i have been for 2 weeks and ever since i lifted my impreza, i got the itch for mud!
  8. thanks for joining the ultimatesubaru site welcome aboard see ya saturday at the diner at 9 am neo
  9. well well i just got home from work its 1:20 in the morning i left work at 11:30 and its only 30 miles away, reason it took me 2 hours to get here is that i had to rsecue a idiot with a jeep Cherokee off a ditch!! yes my lil impreza was able to rescue and pull that jeep out of the ditch, i was laughing soo much the guy gave me a dirty looks because i couldnt stop laughing... he was impressed with my little ride, I was too!!!@ well close home i stopped by a wawa gas station and what i see... a geo prizm stuck on a snow pile lol, well i gave the lady a little push... i had fun tonight i'm glad it snowed this much... hey pamike how is that lift treating oyu on the snow? cheers
  10. Hey i'm glad you got my PM here are some directions Meet at the Red Lion Diner, Intersection of Rt. 206 and rt.70, at 9am From turnpike: its exit 7A rt 206, take rt 206 south to the circle of rt 70 and thats where red lion diner is... also you are not too far from me if you want to swap cell#s then i can meet you on the turnpike that morning on our way down, you should leave at 7:30am to make down there at 9am sharp... oh btw welcome to the board!!! Neo
  11. okies yeah warmer weather will be better we are expecting winter mix for friday into saturday grrrrr
  12. that means you are 2 1/2 to 2.45 from me hmmmmm when do you wanna do it?
  13. How long woud it take form Central NJ to New Milford? I'm up for it.... i carry tons of tools with me
  14. hey backwoodsboy its funny i also had a 93 legacy and a 86 brat! mine was a 93 SS and the brat... well was a brat
  15. Hey AL HERE IT IS for the 24th of this month http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=72092 oh btw whats OBPRC? you shuld definetely come out and ride in the woods with one of us if you dont want to take your vehicle in there, its alot of fun also here is the last meet, pics and videos available there http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=71176&page=3
  16. hey i just noticed you are in e brunswick, pretty close by, are you aware of the pine barrens meet on the 24th? are you going? I'm in Oldbridge not even 15mnts away from you
  17. this is funny but here we go i carry a 18 x 10 x 8 tool box in my trunk all the time c clamps, sockets varying from 5mm to 32mm, 1/2" drive, 3/8" drive, tons of wrenchs, tons of needle nose pliers, hammer, vicegrips, 5 ton jack, extra subaru bolts and nuts, at least 3 of each used cam and crank sensors, 1 knock sensor, a set of new spark plugs, 1 set of used ignition wires, extra accessories belt, extra timming belt (just in case), prybar, towstrap, heavy duty gloves, ductape, small tire air compressor, screw drivers galore... i know i have more stuff on my trunk i just cant remember now :lol:
  18. and how that makes you feel?
  19. whats wrong with the turbo wagon? need help fixing it? i'm not doing anything special next weekend i could give ya a hand You must come this time, new trails were found! And Luke keep on pushing dad to come down here :lol:
  20. I just went through inspection myself with my impreza and it passed, nj is getting though with the inspection crap... ohh btw where in so. nj are you.. we'll be meeting down the Pine Barrens very soon, wanna join us?
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