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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. Hey keith I know the junk yard by me has one, i am going there on sunday and i know its a Audi 100, now i hope it is still there and not crushed, what happened to the window, someone broke in? Let me know Neo
  2. Is Anyone Else Coming? Nipper? Paul? PA? NORTH JERSEY? PHILLY? Its This Saturday At 9 Am
  3. here is a picture of my old car, i was just a plain legacy LS wagon AWD, i did the swap, it took me total of 3 hours, its a direct bolt, no need for any fabrication. Watch out for the CV axle try not to pull it out too much or you may run into problems... also try to mark with a sharpie the original strut bolts up top so you know where the struts where, that way you can get away without any alignment, you must try to match the new struts to those marks as much as you can... i ran my old legacy with no alignment and had no problems, the tires were fine, the car was running str8... Also get yourself some PB blaster, those bolts by the knuckle can be a beotch to loose... hmmm what else, make sure you have someone there with you just in case you need to push the control arm down with the new struts yeah that happened to me and i wish i had someone there also since you are there if you have any cv axles to be changed take the extra minute and change them since you'll have everything hanging anyways then enjoy your ride, its awsome, i am doing a lift to my impreza, shes getting forester struts, hopefully i'll be able to get them in before Carlisle Actually the complete swap with struts and springs will give a height close to 3" if not more, my legacy was taller than a stock outback 96 to 99
  4. Hey PAMIKE di you get the struts? keep me posted, if ya need help on the swap i could give oyu a hand if you are not too far from Jersey, nothing more pricelss than seeing and helping a lift job
  5. all the 97 outbacks came with abs, you'll just have an extra support for the abs wires but it should not matter, there is no difference in struts fitting between non abs and abs equiped. I'm doing a lift myself next month. getting forester struts on a impreza wagon
  6. nope no problems at all, i even went out to the Barrens and had no problems with it
  7. Hey BluBaja can u make there saturday? we'll b meeting at red lions at 9
  8. Hey ImprezaRSC thats my car lol, i had so much fun with that lift, but i had to sell her, now i'm doing a lift to a impreza wagon, will keep you guys posted when its done, i'm taking it to Carlisle in May, hopefully lifted.
  9. i did that conversion to my long gone 95 legacy wagon and i did not have any problem with the brake lines. as long as you put the struts on the same place where the old ones where you should not need an alignment right away. dont forget to use a marker to mark where the old strus bolts are. however i am not sure the rear top hats will fit, you may need to swap and use the ones you have now, the front ones should be a str8 bolt in. good luck
  10. lol cool thanks hey i like VWs too but i dont want to end up with a sube in the middle of them
  11. yay!!!!! ok then i'm registering it tomorrow! heheh how about instructions they'll come in the mail? and where do I meet you guys? i dont wanna get lost there in the middle of a bunch of VWs :lol:
  12. Hey Paul Would my 93 impreza qualify? or is it too new? :lol: its got big wheels and it will have forester suspension by then, plus auto dimming mirror, digital compass and other cool little neat things...
  13. damn i got work, i wish i had off that day, but we're going saturday Paul, you should try to come down even if its for a couple of hrs, i'll buy you some gas if you need....
  14. Look what I am taking to the Barrens!! http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=14366&cat=500&ppuser=9830
  15. i just picked one up, its a 93 impreza wagon LS AWD EJ 1.8, i've had legacies all my life and thi sis my first impreza and i can say it handles better than a legacy on curves, the stability is phenomenal... not as comfortable as the legacy but surely it is more economic than the 2.2 and a bit noiser too, but hey it is still the little brother of the legacy, it sounds like a subaru, it is reliable as as subaru, and it is easy to work on... make sure the clutch is not too low, oil leaks too!, check for rear main seal leaks those can be beotches to change and very expensive to get it done, front cam and crank seals also are very normal to leak, dont be scared by that, $200 plus timing belt and seals job will fix that, wheels bearing are also something you must check, any excesive road noise may indicate a bad bearing.... remember these issues are not to disincorage you to buy, but yes to try to drop the price lower. they are minor issues that can be fixed in no time, i've had all of these and a few more with my impreza, i ended up bying it for $700 from $1500 because i knew the issues and droped the price. good luck neo
  16. bump! hey people we are gonna have snow there, come on out, its gonna be fun first run on Feb 24th, second one TBD
  17. i was actually thinking the bigger the beter, but my problem is the strut rubing...
  18. hey how you doing i saw the pic its looking good, and no i never took the Brat to the barrens, i used to take it to this place where they were constructing a village, it was basically just mud... that little one made through about 1 foot of mud with no problem, i miss that car soooo much, well keep us posted and see if you comedown one day for a run in the barrens.... lodging is free here in NJ, lol
  19. yeah thats right, how big can i go on my 93 impreza wagon? no lift just plain impreza, i'm thinking about 205 70 15's will it fit? and can i go bigger than that? thanks
  20. and i'm still working on my Outback wheels and tires for my ride, she needs a bit of a lift for pine barrens, she would def bottom out the way she is right now, lol hey guys i need a skid plate, EA series would do, does anybody have one?
  21. hello all, well the time is here, PINE BARRENS!!! we are planning a small run on the 24th of this month and a bigger gathering mid March. Location: Pine Barrens NJ rt 206 Wharton State Forest Meet at the Red lion Diner rt 70 and 206 dates: Feb 24th 9am at red lion dinner and leave there at 9:45 to the ranger parking lot just down the rd on 206... this can be a small run, just to test out the roads with possibly some snow... March, date to come any subaru, 4x4, jeeps, etc are welcome, come prepared: spare, towing rope and a shovel... i got some tools but if oyu wanna bring some its good too.
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