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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. Alright the Brat will be, She's gonna be primed only i'm doing body work on her right now, PUG wheels, Bed coating and above all NO RUST!!!! took me awhile to get it out but i'm done, hehe i'll be waiting for a date Thanks Neo
  2. I've adapted Legacy Seats on my Brat. Those seats does not have the height adjustment, well they wouldnt fit in the car so i got the ones without. You'll have to unbolt the rail from the legacy seats and put the original Brat's rail into the legacy seats. The rails will me a bit wider so the wholes will not lign up on the car, then you'll have to drill a hole big enought to bolt it in. Good luck, if you need more info on this PM me Neo
  3. Alright NJ Here, When are we meeting in the pine berrens? what date? time? location? Come on i'm anxious! what should I take, da brat, the legys, or Big wheels Impreza (forester wheels)? Cheers Neo
  4. What hood scoop, thats the legacy Turbo, its got the scoop, the thing under the hood is a intercooler, the car is a menace, really fast. Neo
  5. Hi everyone, Many of you dont know me, but i've been around for awhile specially in the legacycentral network. Last year after "drewling" for this car for about 2 years, i finally puurchased my 86 brat from my neighbor. The car was sitting on the side of the house for about 5 years and not being used, till one day i decided to stop by this guy's house and ask him if he would sell the piece of junk to me. Well it turns out that is not a piece of junk, its all original and it sonly got 66K original miles. Offcourse living by the NJ shore the car is a bit rusty, so last summer i started my work, i cleaned the car out, got the wipers working again, some of the rust out, the engine running again, new exhaust, and many other things, so i put the car on the road again. After having fun the whole fall time and winter, she's now sitting in my drive way waiting for more repairs (starter and new tires with PUG 15" wheels). This spring she'll receive a paint job, originally she was red and crazy me decided to paint it black!!!! yikes! well its a great little car, i love subarus, I've only owned subarus, few audis too, but never gave up the subies. I currently own 4 subarus 93 legacy ss 85k miles, 90 legacy wagon 201K miles, 96 impreza 130k miles and my gem 86 brat EA 81 DR 4WD 66K miles. Well here is a link to the pics http://www.thawa.net/gallery/Neos-Cars. Thanks for reading Neo
  6. Nahh Just check you coil packs and cables first, then go for the plugs and igniter, did you wash the engine lately?, thats what happens when ignition stuff gets wet, but if you didnt, check those steps. Neo
  7. Hey guys, I found some forester 16" wheels, and i wanna put them on my 96 impreza outback, will it fit? i know the lug pattern is the same Thnaks in advance Neo
  8. Hey Guys, Can Anyone tell me where the Idle Control Solenoid is for a 96 Impreza 2.2? also do you have any pics of it? Thanks Neo
  9. Hi Guys, I got a 96 Impreza Outback with a 2.2 L engine, the idle seems to be too high, i tried changing the egr valve and the PCV valve too and nothing. Since there is no screw to adjust the idle on the throatle body, where else can I adjust the idle? also the Check engine light is on, i believe thats due to a bad O2 sensor. Thanks for your Help in advance Neo
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