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Everything posted by njdrsubaru

  1. i dont know but it looks like they dont quite like us there uh?
  2. it was nice to see you all again, i had a blast and needed it... lol cant wait for next yr :banana: EDIT: and i though i got more pictures but here is my set http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd75/njdrsubaru/Carlisle%2009/
  3. yup yup i am about to hit the bed... see you all tomorrow, i should be there by 3ish with connie
  4. mike its just rain.. bring her out, it will be nice to have your car there, it looks really good... its not gonna be bad tomorrow night when u come up... besides who am I gonna bother when i'm there? sun tomorrow and mostly cloudy tomorrow evening so there should be no problem with traveling... saturday some thunderstorms, clouds and sun.. .it should be good mike! we'll help ya protect it when u get there
  5. sigh she will be coming clean...unless i find a mud spot between home and carlisle
  6. sweet.. i may take a quick run to frenchies and get mine muddy and meet with paul... shhhhhhhwwweeeeeeettttt
  7. hey paulie here is the link from google http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=39.606019,-74.369974&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=14&sll=39.604829,-74.37993&sspn=0.054027,0.073986&ie=UTF8&z=14 be careful since its gonna rain on thursday (tomorrow), i think u may have a bit of a problem getting back up hill when u go down to the pit... what time are u thinking going there?
  8. i would go but i got some prep to do friday morning before leaving for carlisle... i thought about bringing her muddy
  9. hey i'm excited and anxious i wish it was friday already.... Matt dont forget the banner
  10. sigh i am tired dusty and hngry but the wheel bearing is done... yay! i'm coming
  11. sigh as of right now i dont know whats going on with my car... its got a really bad front wheel bearing, the wheel wobbles badly at 30 plus mph, just came back from the JY and the hub that i got is also shot... its gonna cost me $100 to get a new bearing pressed in and i wont have the $$ till wed/thurs.... the car is not highway safe at the moment... so it will be a last minute thing if i'm coming or not...
  12. yall can come down to Joisee the night before or early that morning so we can catch some mud at the barrens before heading to the show u know u are all welcome at my place
  13. i know i know here too... but the more rain we get the more mud there will be at the barrens :banana:
  14. i am sure i'm getting there friday mid afternoon.. now i am not sure when i am leaving.. either sat late night or sunday early morning
  15. so finally this coming up weekend i will get my quarter panel fixed and painted (thank you connie).... and then wash and wax before the show.... hehehe and off course apply the conditioner to the leather seats, vaccum the interior and and and... now should i bring my subaru generator? so yeah i am excited about it
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