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About punx2400

  • Birthday 06/16/1977

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  • Location
    Marysville, WA.
  • Vehicles
    2003 outback

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  1. It's certainly been a long time since I've spent this much time tracking down parts. My Silverado's parts are like ordering from door dash. Lol
  2. I don't know why I didn't see the vehicle application to this part number before on Amazon. It's literally right there. Haha thanks buddy
  3. See, this is what I thought too! But.. Looking at this pic I just screenshotted, no mention of outback, or legacy for that matter. But if you're sure, I'll take your word for it.
  4. I bought this from a 17 year old kid for 1500 bucks. At first I thought he was just naive and assumed he thought that was a lot of money, or he'd have asked for more. When I was messaging him on Facebook marketplace about it, and when I went to pick it, I knew it was in rough shape, but for that price, mileage, and with no major damage, I was willing to buy it anyway. Lo and behold, every time I pop the hood or open a door, I find something new that is seriously neglected, or just destroyed due to ignorance. The car came >--< this close to overheating in downtown Seattle on I5 on my 2 hour drive home from picking it up. When I could finally pull over, I found that the radiator was nearly empty while the reservoir was brimming. I topped it off and continued on my way. 2 minutes from my house, the needle started climbing again. I pulled into my driveway, checked the radiator again. Again, low. No visible leaks. I'm assuming stuck t-stat and/or internal head gasket leak. The way I see it, I'm yanking the engine, to do the head gaskets, because at 195k miles, I believe them to be original. While I have it on the stand, I figure changing the clutch and timing set would be a good idea, so I KNOW when they've been done, rather than going off the word of a clueless kid, who was the 3rd owner of this car. You should've seen it. The whole stereo/climate control assembly was torn out and reinstalled with sheetrock screws, the blend door cable dangling. I found a food stamp card and a weed vape cartridge sitting on the ECM. He put a cold air intake on it and since the intake tube was too long and not sharp enough bend, he just hose clamped the end of the tube onto the throttle body at 45 degrees and duct taped. The IAT was connected with what looked similar to surgical tubing, and leaked bad. I could go on, but the point is, I want to create a solid baseline for this poor thing's service history.
  5. Just bought a 2003 outback a couple days ago and am freshening up most parts for peace of mind. Right now I'm stuck on the timing belt/waterpump/pulley kit. Shopping around, I see gates, continental and ac Delco. Reading up, I see aisin is actually the way to go, but I can't pin down which kit is right, as product descriptions are vague or misleading. Helpful hints:4th VIN letter 'B', t-stat at bottom - if that helps
  6. aaand we're back to the topic of either going frankenmotor, or doing a full swap. Got it. Thanks again!
  7. I also read something about having to make custom plug wires? What's that about?
  8. Hey guys, I'd like to put a junkyard (run tested of course) EJ251 into my 95 legacy wagon. Not a full swap, just the long block. From what I've gathered in my reading today, I'm of the understanding that as long as I use the 22's intake, peripherals, cam (if the pickups are different) and crank gears, it's just plug and play. Is there anything I missed? Will the 95 ECM provide the change in maps and such to run the newer heads efficiently? Will I get CEL's for any reason? Do I need to uprade my clutch or flywheel to compensate? Things like that are what I need to know, and the only thing keeping me from mashing the "Place Order" button.
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