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    Tacoma, Washington
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  • Vehicles
    1995 Legacy; 2007 Outback; 2014 Outback

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  1. Some smart people on this forum. The thing that really pissed me off about the 95 transmission failure was the fact I thought I felt hesitation from gear to gear; or skipping. Anyway, I took it in to have it checked before I left on my trip. The shop (dealer) said everything was fine. Not!
  2. The good news. Informed yesterday; Subaru dealer and Subaru of America satisfied the car had proper servicing, so they will pay for all repairs under the 60,000 mile power train warranty. I will keep it for awhile. Within the last 2 months had new rear brakes installed; new battery and new Michelin tires. I figure with a new head gasket I will be good to go for a good piece of time.
  3. Thank you for this. I don't get the engineering idea about not having a progressive temp. gauge. Actually, I wondered about that when I bought the car. Still, the whole thing seems strange to me. But, your air bubble explanation at least makes sense, and removes some of the mystery from the episode. Boy, some days I really miss my first car; Plymouth slant 6!
  4. So far it seems like there was a heat related issue prompting the HG failure. What the H are you talking about?? My mechanic checks fluid levels at every servicing and oil change. Plus the 2014 model does not have a progressive temperature indicator gage. It has a red light that comes on once the radiator is hot????? How in the hell would you know if it is "getting" hot?? Besides, it never came on at all until all the gages started going wild, and I took it to the dealer right away (about 5 miles). So, what heat issue prompting HG failure???? Oh, by the way; when it first came on I pulled over, I opened the hood; the cap did not feel abnormally hot. So, I proceeded to the dealer.
  5. Yes, In fact, I thought about this. But, when the gages started to go wild, it was too late to get to my regular mechanic. But, man that would be a huge mis-diagnosis wouldn't it?? They wouldn't do it just to get the warranty money would they???
  6. Sir; I am the original owner. I have used the same Subaru mechanics for years for my servicing. I had no over heating issues; or any other sign at all. In fact, a couple of weeks ago when I got my last oil change I asked the guy if he had seen any gasket issues with the newer models (thinking of my 07). He said, we have seen some out of the blue failures year 13 going forward. I thought this problem was solved.
  7. Hi. The same as yours. I don't know. I had no advance indication anything was wrong. I was 7 miles from home and the red temp. gage came on; brake light started to flash; cruise control light flashed; engine check light came on. The car drove normally; no smells; no loss of power; nothing, other than all the gages going wild. Headed to my local Subaru dealer and got the verdict. By the way, I don't like this model doesn't have a progressive temperature gage; the red light comes on when it is too late?? When I say I was 7 miles from home, I mean I had only driven 7 miles from home.
  8. Well, for a long time I thought I must just be having bad luck, but when the Subaru guy came out Friday and told me; "Bad news, there is engine gases in your radiator; head gasket has failed"; I just didn't know what to think. You are kidding me?????????????
  9. Nope. I was responsible for servicing on all of the cars I referenced. My son and daughter were/are in the home. My wife does nothing but drive. As for the legacy; the original transmission blew out on a road trip several hundred miles from home; a real hassle. The dealer put in a replacement (warranty). It failed within two weeks. "Well, we put in a refurbished transmission." They replaced that, the next one failed as well. They took the car off my hands and I bought the Odyssey. Yes, I am aware of all the stories about Subaru's lasting 300,000 miles and so on. My Subaru specialist mechanic explained it to me this way: Subaru doesn't always put the best materials into their gaskets and other parts. Once these are replaced the basic engine will last forever. Well, getting to that forever, has been pretty damn pricey for me.
  10. Since 1995 my immediate family has owned 7 Vehicles: 95 Legacy; 07 Outback; 14 Outback; 99 Civic; 01 Odyssey; 05 RSX; 03 Tacoma. Of those, the 3 Subaru products had major mechanical issues; the other 4 none. 95 Legacy; 3 failed transmissions before 60,000 miles 07 Outback; oil leaks begin at 70,000 with head gasket replacement at 95,000 14 Outback; head gasket blown at 53,000 (currently in shop) 99 Civic; wife drove for 18 years; nothing but regular servicing. Just sold on private market for 3500. Not bad. 01 Odyssey; sold on private market after 6 years with 90,000 miles and no issues at all. Normal servicing. 05 RSX; Daughter' car humming along at 83,000 miles; not one issue beyond normal servicing. 03 Tacoma; Son's truck humming along at 130,000 miles; not one issue beyond normal servicing. Conclusion: beyond Subaru's 4 wheel drive capability; Subaru products are garbage. I am done with Subaru.
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