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Everything posted by damnsubaru

  1. got most of the parts just need a new hub if I can find a new one if not I will go to pull and save.
  2. just don't tow it without the front drive lines it gets real scary real fast.
  3. by the way i had to change my name to damnsubaru my computer went tfu.
  4. it was a bad ground wire up under the dash. not sure which one but everything worked when I wiggled the wires.
  5. do they make a six-speed manual transmission that will bolt up to the eighties Subaru?
  6. dodge stands for drips oil drips gas everywhere or dear old dads garage experiment.
  7. i will wiggle each wire and check out out the reaction.
  8. my ecu wouldn't light up until i found the ground wire under the dash.
  9. so how is the outer boot, the one by the wheel?
  10. how difficult is it to change the outer boot on the drivers side driveaxle.
  11. how difficult is it to change the outer boot on the drivers side driveaxle.
  12. also, there is whitey's and Spalding import, and light house import parts.
  13. I need to replace the hub because it got red hot( no axle inside) so I am not sure how tough the metal is temper wise so I think I will look at pull and save it is only 25 bucks for the spindle.
  14. neighbor redid his old front end on his 91 Subaru and gave me his old axle the outer boot is torn but that can be replaced. now to reassemble everything, now where did I put those caliper bolts?
  15. she lets the Subaru just sit there and every now and then starts it up but she doesn't move it. what a waste. she is thinking of selling it but she wants 1000 bucks for it all it needs is a muffler and freon. but it is an older model and am not sure if it is worth 1000 bucks. i will keep on trying to charm her but she wants it for a backup for her new van.
  16. it is the ground wire i just need to find it now.
  17. the car still runs good but her daughter bought her a new chrysler mini van and the exhaust makes noise on the subaru so i am going to ask if she wants to sell it.
  18. had a minor set back,mild heart attack,survived ok but my wife says to relax for awhile.
  19. yah i learned my lesson yes it was probably covered but i was tired of the run around and it took them 2 wks to get the right parts for the abs sensor and 12 hours to install the cat. talk about ham fisted. i guess they wrote it off because i haven't heard back from them.
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