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Everything posted by damnsubaru

  1. thanks i will try that . now where is the crank and cam sensor? i will pop the timing cover off tomarrow. i would do it today but i just got back from the hospital from a mild heart attack. so my wife says i have to rest for a bit.
  2. got the bearing and the seals,and the flexible brake lines now to get axles i gave my old ones to napa for cores and they sold me turbo axles and won't exchange.
  3. i saw a few around here the other day but dang they are hard to catch.
  4. i had to change my user name to damnsubaru i had computer problems and lost all my info like passwords user names,ect. that is what happens when you go from windows 10 to windows 7. windows 10 was too much for my old computer.
  5. i had fun changing mine one broke off on each side so i just changed the arms then i found out the year or two following didn't use screws just snapped in.
  6. the old ball joint was rusted solid it was a pain in the obama to get it out.
  7. the 93 legacy i am working on won't start it will spin over fine but no spark no fuel. i have power to the pump for a few seconds and power to the igniter and coils but no fuel and no spark. no check engine lights at all so no power to the ecm. chiltons doesn't help much as far as power and ground to the ecm. a checked the fuse all of them all ok working on getting the relays out but they are up there a ways. why can't they make them more accesable? got the ecm out and it smells like ozone. is that normal? can these ecm's be tested or do i just sustatute?
  8. boy they were not happy with me in the first month under warrenty they had to replace the rear abs sensor twice the catylytic converter, and the crank pully and all new belts, it took them two tries with the sensor because they bought the wrong one twice broke the first one,the catylytic converter took all day because they overtightened the bolts and snapped them off and the crank pully broke on me in pullman and lasted until i got home 30 miles away,they had to tow it the last 40 miles to their shop. then the transmission started slipping and i was told that wasn't a warrenty item even though it was but i was tired of the runaround and the bs. and the fact they let me off the lot without securing finances then tried to charge me 600 a month for a 2001 legacy with 98 000 miles on it. so i took it back washed my hands of it. now they want me to pay 10,000 bucks for it i told them no . i also had to fix the back door by me self it wouldn't open and it was locked shut. boy was that fun to fix.
  9. here in spokane they have lighthouse imports that gets parts directly from japan,and they are subaru guys so they can give good advice.
  10. i get lots of parts cheap at the vally location i need to go back there to get some drive line for the front.
  11. yep its just a loose ground wire. as soon as i get over my honey dos i can get back to it . i got most of the parts for the front end except for the spindle or hub or depending on the different parts places.if i got the brakes hot enough to catch the fluid on fire i had better change all of it. it only got hot on the drivers side so i will rebuild it first then move to the passenger side. probably change the struts too.
  12. i got my first wagon out of the woods up by colville it had sat for 10 yrs because they couldn't get it to start put a battery in and a few galons of gas and drained about 4 qts to much oil out and it started right up and i drove it out right past there house to the freeway and towed it home with a tow dolly. had to stop in ritzville to get a trip permit because the cop pulled us over because my friend forgot to tag his vehicle. got the car home and sold it to the neighbor for 300 bucks that gave me a nice profit of 250 bucks which my wife took for bills and such, oh well for better or worse for richer or poorer. anyway got the electric paid . and someone t boned the neighbor in spokane a month later, the subaru sacrificed itself for my neighbor, built solid no injuries the car was wipped out tho. damn teen age drivers texting while driving
  13. i listened for the pump. while i was under the dash i found a burned wire not sure what it goes to but it is red so i clipped it on both sides of the connector stripped the wires back and twisted them together not sure why it was burnt or what it went to. now i have power to the coils,the igniter,and the fuel pump for a few seconds but still no gas,and still no spark,so i took the brain box out and it smelled like it had gotten hot so he is going to have it tested if he can. then to pull and save for a used one before buying a rebuilt or new one. i will take pictures tonight when i go back.
  14. i tried to replace the ball joint on my subaru and broke the pinch bolt because it was rusted in,finally got it out,cleaned the hub. think i might just replace the hub, i tried towing with no drive line attached(what an idiot) and the drivers side wheel went sideways at 50 mph chewing up the tire and getting the brake hot enough to melt the hose and the rotors were red hot,i have new pads,new hose ,new bearing and seals, just need new rotors and new bolts and of course new drivelines. next time i will rent a tow dolly even for 10 miles.
  15. found an old chiltons manual,not the best but better than nothing. still no power to ignition,and no power to the pump. i haven't found the relay yet not sure if the computer is getting power or ground. i will check that tomarrow. i downloaded the wiring diagrams and troubleshooting charts from the shop manual. do these computers go bad. it's late or early depending on how you look at it ,i will update everyone tomarrow.
  16. sorry i got the two mixed up i was talking about a 86 dl wagon.
  17. all i know is stock subaru brakes suck, in a emergency the pedal goes almost to the floor before they lock up and this is with all new brake parts, it is a design flaw , maybe it is the brake hoses that expand during panic stops like idiots stopping on the freeway because they missed their turn.
  18. i am still working on my 86 dl wagon got most of the parts for the front end,don't tow subarus without the drive lines ,it gets expensive, and the wiring inside is messed up nothing was working until i reached up under the dash to pull myself up and bumped a wire somewhere and everything lite up like it was suppose to,of course as soon as i moved my hand it all went dead again so now i need to wiggle each wire to find the loose ones,probably a ground. i wouldn't have this problem but the p.o. son got mad at mom and ripped the wires and slashed paint on the back. he is spoiled ,if i tried that when i was a kid i still wouldn't be sitting down. but you can't spank your kids nowadays it is called cruilty and you can go to jail. but watch out when i get out.
  19. brakes stop tires and tires stop cars on all subarus i have had the brakes are less than desirable even at 55 the pedal goes almost to the floor even with all new components it makes for longer stopping in panic mode. thats why i kept extra underware in the glove box. first you say it then you do it.
  20. suprise, there is a difference between drive axles. the ones for turbo's are larger by just a little bit on the transaxle end. they look the same but one is just a little bigger. so now i got a driveline that is to big on the tranny end and the store cannot find the records for the exchange.
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