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Everything posted by Qman

  1. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=84562&highlight=dohc+timing+belt+procedure http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showpost.php?p=19460&postcount=37 http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showpost.php?p=952890&postcount=7 There are three threads that may help you. Please note that any endwrench.com article that was not archived is now lost as the site is now gone.
  2. How did you align TDC? IF you have the crank mark at 12 o'clock you should not have cylinder interference. You do have to be careful that you do not hit intake and exhaust valve by turn the cams. You shuld have aligned the cams before you installed the heads. You may find that once you are close you can use small clamps to hold the belt to the cam gears. It will also help hold the gear in the correct location. There are several timing belt procedures here. Search our data base and you will find your answer.
  3. It is designed to go in with the new headgaskets. Anyone who tries to seal a head gasket leak with fix a leak by any name or brand is an idiot!
  4. Anyone who tells yo uto use a block sealer in a Subaru is an IDIOT! The only thing those will seal is the heater core. What Subaru uses is a conditioner not a sealer.
  5. SOHC interference motor... valve damage resulting from breaking/slipping belt. Valve timing is now off. Valve contact with piston. Valve to valve contact can only occur after the piston hits and bends the valve. You will see some form of scarring on the piston. How severe varies from how far out the timing was when contact occured. Now to the question of head swapping. It can be done. However, you have wiring issues. You have part compatablity issues. You basically need the entire engine to have all the parts you will need. Inspect your current heads for damage. I can sell you used valves if you need them to keep costs down. Then you just need a tensioner, belt and gaskets plus a valve job. Wiki is not a good source of information for Subaru. There is far better information on USMB, RS25 and Nasioc for this type of problem. Again, when giving advice, know your topic. DO NOT GUESS!
  6. The only good post has been the "power" mod. Didn't any of you jokers think of a 50 or 100 shot to boost passing power?
  7. Did you happen to verify if the starter had failed before doing all this work?
  8. Very nice! And paint them really black just because so many say don't!!
  9. Phase 1 EJ22 and Phase 2 EJ25? Or Phase 2 to phase 2? P1 to P2 will not work. P2 to P2 are the same.
  10. Chux is right on the first part. Not so much on the rest. That is a RWD. As far as Block not being a good driver. I will respectfully disagree. I have seen him in person a number fo times. His driving continues to improve. And, he does all that you see in a prepared AWD. Any ********************* can drift a RWD. Trust me I grew up with them.
  11. Several people got trees. They got them on the way out. This area did not have any roads that lead anywhere to get trees. That is why none of the pics have trees in them.
  12. Thank you everyone who came out. It was a great group this year. The weather had us scared at first but it turned out to be a great day. Thank you to Naomi and Craig for being good sports. Those there know why!! A new group this year made this a fun event. My wife commented that there were only a few familiar faces at first. Thanks again to our old and new friends for joining us on our little annual winter adventure!!
  13. Oops, forgot. You can link it up if you want. Really short notice though.
  14. If they get to the "big" pit we can get to our spot! It is supposed to be cold so the snow/slush may get worse. We will just play it by ear. We can find some place at lower elevations if needed.
  15. I was going to call you about that. I figure Wednesday would be good if you can do it then.
  16. Stamped under distributor. Also, where is your starter located?
  17. Contact Delta Cam. They are a vendor here. 1-800-562-5500
  18. Do not swap that engine for your phase 2 2.5 SOHC engine. What is wrong with your engine?
  19. Cool, let me know and we can let you know when we'll roll through.
  20. Fixed posts... you are all fired! Not only did you fix it incorrectly, you mucked up this thread with the worthless information. If you are going to read, get or make up your information from the internet at least check more than one source. And Wiki almost always has errors Rick. And the STi 2.5 DOHC had shimless. The 2.0 never did. Please get it right.
  21. His shop quoted him the amount of time it takes to do the job correctly. A screw driver to pop out shims. That is assinign. You inspect the lash. You remove the cams. Yes, belts and all. Mic shims replace with correct thickness and re assemble. Do it right or leave it to the professionals.
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