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Everything posted by Buddy

  1. that looks clean. it actually looks like it has very little rust
  2. oh so you have a friend in San Jose? btw have you ever been to that beautiful city? anyway that sux that whoever owns that wagon rolled it and had the guts to just leave it there . but the car it self look good, just roll it back on its "feet" and its ready to roll.
  3. get down their throats!!! fight till you win. now if you have a bent frame, *sigh* i'm sorry to say but the car won't be the same anymore even if you straighten the body. but still like i said at first. get down to their throats and get your money
  4. hey there, you need to post this in the new generation of subarus forum. so if you come back and its not here on this forum, probally a moderator moved it to its proper place. just go to the right forum and it will be there. Cheers, Buddy
  5. what how did you get those pics? i'm super familiar with that area. thats because i lived in San Jose where Mt. Hamilton is. maybe Russ (Rallyruss) knows something. he's the only member over there. but anyway i'm looking for another wagon for my dad and that could have been it. just look how clean it looks underneath. now seriously who rolled it?
  6. yep! i agree with Laura. now don't look JR. those pics are very bad for your little eyes . hehe i got a little friend on my lap right now. oh yeah, he does not have too much time on his hands.
  7. *whew* at least i'm not the only one using a camera phone for my pics. anyway, that really nice Brad very shiny.
  8. yeah i know about that. we have done only one that had been broken for a while and it was clean no matter what. the nissan we did on monday afternoon was super messy! even the tranny fluid came out and the thing that pissed us off was that it is a stick and we could'nt find the dang refill tube. i thought to myself "man why can't nissan do this like subaru,with a fill tube for tranny fluid even if its a stick " but whats done is done!!!
  9. huh? that's weired because mine are nice and bright. and mine is an '85 so i don't know!!!
  10. $225?!!! probally. but good thing you got it fixed though.
  11. i don't hate them at all. i actually wonder why subaru discontinued it in '94 i know it was replaced by the impressa but they could of just redesigned it. and renamed it "the new and improved loyale" but that will never happen
  12. i would say do the ej22 swap while you're at it. heck might as well
  13. hmm...might be wet or damp spark plugs. hehe forgot this the reason i mention this is because i had a similar problem. with starting. so check that and that would be my .02 on this
  14. well i could say that the axle job on any car is dirty. so i would say that the axle job is one of the dirtiest jobs around. (did a nissan today and that was extremely dirty ) so if a nissan is dirty a suby prolly is worse.
  15. hey guys/girls what would you consider the dirtiest suby job ever. i consider the front end reseal the dirtiest. there could be other dirtier jobs out there but mine is listed above. tell me yours!!!
  16. hey the one thing that i like about owning a suby is that "suby sense tingler" that you develop as time goes by. you know the sense you get when one is near.
  17. that's sick man. i have seen the wagons engine in person that rocks i need to see the rx and its engine in person. but whatever it is thet is one sick looking car
  18. well here's my list Rallyruss. that's my huge list *stuttering* that's all folks
  19. wow pretty cool. hey maybe i should try that!
  20. :slobber: :slobber: you have the spec b. oh and yeah welcome to the boards. sorry about that. i have one too....but in a picture . i just dream myself in it when i see that picture. anyway once again welcome. Later, Buddy
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