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Everything posted by Buddy

  1. lol does ur horn sound like 1960s vw beetle? my GL-10's horn sounds like that. and its funny. hey but seriously check for corrosion at the connectors.
  2. could be a bone dry bearing. check them cuz i had the same exact sound and it was a dry bearing. the solution to that is simply repack and ur good to go.
  3. i think i'll get in here. if it leaks and causes alot of smoking as in the case with my 86' GL-10 then u better reseal cuz for one thing its a fire hazard and two it could get u in trouble wit the po-po. but if it leaks only a little bit as in the case of my 85' GL which leaks from the valve covers only then just suck it up and remind yourself this, he's marking his territory against Hondas and anything GM. now like it was pointed out by Q-Man if the suby is neglected then it will leak all over the place and the easiest term to use here is "if u neglect ur suby, he will neglect u back "
  4. yesterday i realized i have the quitest ea82 i've ever seen. it even turns heads at red lites cuz its so quiet. sometimes you cant even hear if its on or not. 85' GL with 235k original miles and ticking!!!! hey go ahead and share your experince with a mouse quiet engine!!! i have one an i drool over my own car
  5. okay i'll be honest. the "new" starter is actually a rebuilt one from Kragen auto parts. is it possible that the solenoid could be bad???
  6. ed this is an 86' GL-10 the 85' runs almost problem free and starts every morning no matter wat . but since they are virtually the same i'll take a look at those connectors u told me about. oh and dont worry ur not late to the party, this is just getting started!!!
  7. the new starter came with the solenoid is it possible that it could be bad???
  8. cool i'm gonna look around here. 2 things the starter is new and what is a never fail button??? thanks for ur help!!! really appreciate it
  9. actually i want to go lower since this is such a clean suby i want to lower it. i know that xt6 springs are used for the front but what is used for the back. mean while what i want to know is how can i level it out with touching the front. i dont want to touch the front.
  10. ok so this weekend was super busy moving to a new house. the car every time i got in to start it would click and i had to get off and play around with the connections till it started. i was thinking a bad alt also but i have to check. Bucky my dash doesnt light up so thats why i have my doubts. the battery conections u know the ones that go on the batt posts are brand new. i need to find a way to fix this and i know u guys can help me because if i dont find a way i'm gonna have to part with it and i dont want to do that. rite now i'm at skool when i get home i'm gonna play around some more with it and i'll get back at you guys.
  11. hey on wed nite i was moving some rather heavy boxes in my 85' GL and it did'nt bottom out all the way but it did level it out with the front which made it look very very nice. now that takes me to my question. what can i do to level it out without all the boxes in the back . in other words wat do i need to do to the springs??? i will appreciate your help. Buddy
  12. hell i take my phone in there with me. i just dont answer it unless its important
  13. i have a bunch of small bulbs lying around what do need to connect it to the batt. and what do you mean by inline (series). need more feedback as to the reliabilty of this batt guys. Skip has a good name for it "never start" cuz it just never starts
  14. k so my 86' GL-10 has a brand new battery. the car isn't really road worthy because of expired tags. with that said yesterday i had to move some stuff because we're moving and i had to use it to move stuff to the new house on wed nite i had used it also. now why did the battery go discharged over nite when every single lite in the car was off. i bought the battery at walmart. its an everlast (plz change that name) and its brand new. btw this is the second one i get because the first one i had to take it back because it had done the same exact thing. could it be that the alt isnt charging well or what. but i dout its the alt cuz i know a bad suby alt when i see one. (christmas tree dash). also i need some references on that cheap defective walmart battery. i would appreciate your guys experience with these pieces of crap thanks Buddy
  15. might be that your battery is giving it last breaths of life better hurry up and perform CPR!!! j/k. but seriously i had that exact same problem with my GL-10 and i bought a new battery for it and problem solved.
  16. couldnt get pics but bout 3 weeks ago i hauled my parents washer and dryer machines. course one at a time but i was impressed. did it in my 85' GL
  17. i know they shouldnt i've been to lazy to get to it tho
  18. so there's nothing to worry about? the only leakage it has is very minor coming from both valve covers. thats the only leakage.
  19. in case its not fuel related check your spark plug cables, rotor, and cap. if they havent been replaced in a loooooooooong time then thats prolly da problem. the voice of experience tells u this. i had that happen about 50mi from home in steep hiway climbing to get home. got home took about a week to figure out but it was wat i mentioned above. hey engine stalled going down hill and kept stalling at every stop on wat i think was 3 cyl only and climbing steep hills too but it got the family home safe and sound ,it what makes a subaru, a subaru.
  20. hey for the past week i have been smelling oil coming thru my vents after taking off from a red light. theres no blue smoke coming from the exhaust and the leaks it has is the same no more no less. its only after a red lite. btw my fan and air selectors are all off. could oil be dripping on to somthing causing a smell? its not a heavy smell tho just very quick whif and thats it. 85' GL wagon!!! i stood behind it as my dad pulled forward into the garage and no smoke or oil odors. very strange.
  21. the GL-10 seats are from an 86' wagon and the my GL wagon is an 85' do you think i'll have any problems???
  22. forgot to ask...even with the height adjusment thingy on the drivers seat???
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