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  • Location
    Sugar grove VA
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    searching the interweb about my 83
  • Biography
    My first car was a 84gl wagon I found a gl turbo in pretty good shape for cheap so im back in the old subaru game
  • Vehicles
    83 gl turbo, 08 STI,

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  1. Thanks guys glad it’s not a hard to find part
  2. Hey guys, had to replace a section of bad brake line on my 83gl and while trying to bleed the brakes the bleeder valve snapped it’s on a rear drum any idea on what will work for a replacement ? I’m going to try to get the rest out without damaging anything but if I do what are my options? Replace the hub? Any help is appreciated
  3. 205-60r15 just a bit of rubbing at 3/4 lock but I have adaptors that are pretty thick
  4. Any luck finding the cargo cover?


  5. Thanks, comparing pictures now I'll probably try the rock auto rebuild service but it's good to have options
  6. I saw the rebuild service just didn't know if that was my only option. Thanks again guys.
  7. Not having much luck searching for one mine is leaking pretty severely. do any other years swap with a 83? Or is there a rebuild kit? Or should I delete it and put a manual rack in?
  8. I figured it out, I was missing the bracket so I made one works great and shifter isn't so floppy. It's item 21 this isn't my exact shifter but I looked through a few of these and it seemed they are fairly common.
  9. I can't express the amount of gratitude I have to all of you for taking the time to help me get this done. First test drive was tonight, no issues noticed. Couldn't have done it without all of your help. Reverse and 4x4 light ate wired up and I'm just waiting on the console and a few small things to be finished. I had to customize the trans mounts for some reason but other than that it was a pretty smooth experience. BTW Where does the spring on the shift linkage go?
  10. I found a 3.9 and a console with all linkage, thanks for all the PM's and help from everyone. My last hurdle will be getting the swap done.
  11. Okay guys, I was able to find a single range trans from a 85 for a pretty good price they had a dual but what ever wreck it came from left scars all over it and a broken axle stub that scared me away. So I'll swap to the single range for now and go to dual later if I feel the need. I need shifter and linkage along with the center console, at this point color doesn't matter. also looking for a rear diff in a 3.9 23 spline if anyone has these our can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
  12. I don't plan on bashing it our anything that could be considered hard core 4 wheeling it will get trips up to ski resorts and a weekend driver mostly. And one cross country trip. Are there problems with the single range transmissions or is the dual range just a better fit.
  13. Thanks for all the help guys, now I've just got to find a transmission and a console bratman has everything else and is pretty close to me. There is a single range from a 88 turbo pretty close but I don't know what's involved in changing splines our if it would take new CV, I just replaced the fronts so that would seem a waste. I really do appreciate all the help I just get a bit confused going through everyone's posts, I guess I should take notes.
  14. Quick question guys, will I need different CV axles? Depending on transmission I think the ea81t has 23 spline please correct me or point me in right the direction so I can read myself
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