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  1. Hello,


    I saw your posts about the Justys you have. Do you know off-hand what years they are? I'm in Ohio, but I wouldn't mind a trip out to you at all if it involved a possible Justy purchase. Thanks for posting.



  2. Good Deal!! I'm sooo glad you fixed it! As a precation I would pop the crank pulley off and replace the key in the key way at the nose of the crankshaft, A loose pulley can damage the key and it may break later on. I'm glad it wasn't terminal. Yeah, Texas is a long way from NC..Man that would have been a long drive! 85Sub4WD...I am in Midland, NC about 25 mi east of Charlotte. If you know of any local yards around your neck of the woods that have Justys please PM me. I am looking for a complete FI Justy since I will need the wireing harness as well to convert my 88. My 88 and 90 are in the photo gallery under my user name if you want to check out my projects. Thanks, Jim
  3. AHHRRRRR... Don't junk it!!! If you are close to NC I'll come get it!!! Last summer I rebuilt a 93 FI engine for my 90 4WD ECVT Justy 5 door. Since then I have been bleeding for another complete EFI car to use as a donor to convert my 88 carbed 4WD Justy to FI and equal length axleshafts. Please PM me...I'll take the car if you are close!!
  4. The Justys oil pump is located at the front of the engine. You will need to remove the drive belt or belts if you have AC, then the crank pully. You can then get to the triangular aluminum oil pump cover held on with 3 small bolts. Remove the cover (It has an o-ring seal) and the pump is there. It is a replacable geroter style pump. That is still available from Subaru for about $25.00. Be sure to check the pump shaft on the inner gear for heavy scoring and the outer portion of the pumping chamber located as part of the front cover....All this can be done with the engine in the car. If it were mine I would install a new oil pump. Pull the oil pan and replace the main and rod bearings. Justys are known for oil pump and rod bearing issues. I have saved a few this way. General rule: If it stops knocking as rpm increases it usually means the bearings have excessive clearence (.003 thousanths or more) or a weak pump. A weak pump has the ability to overcome these "Leaks" as rpm increases. I think a new pump and bearings will fix your Justy provided the crank journals are not "toasted"...You will need to inspect them. Your 93 has the FI engine...These are hard to come by. If it spins a bearing and busts a connecting rod it will knock the balance shaft right out the side of the block. I think you can fix it for about $150 in parts. BUT,....If ya don't want to fix it.. How close are you to North Carolina? I'll buy it from ya and convert my 88 4WD Justy to FI Good luck, Jim
  5. If you are interested in making CF hoods for the 87-88 Gen 1 Subaru Justy and the 89-94 Gen 2 Justys I have hoods for molds that you can use. I live in Midland, NC 25 mi east of Charlotte. I would be interested in a CF hood for my 88 and 90 Justys if I could get them for around $250.00 a piece. Have you posted on the Justy website?? I think you will get some interest from the folks over there. Here is the website http://subarujusty.proboards20.com/ Jim
  6. Not bad at all!! Just use a 2x4 across the strut tower to secure the engine. Use a chain or cable between the lifting hook and the 2x4 to keep the engine "UP". This makes life easy because you will have to remove the cross member and motor mount to remove trans. (Now you don't have to work around a floor jack on the oil pan) Tap out the inner CV joint pins, and remove the inboard bolts (Left & Right side) that attach the lower control arms to the frame. Then, push each wheel outward and the inboard CVs will disengage from the trans. Just swivel them out of the way. After removing clutch cable, wire connectors, and trans bolts. The trans will come right out. On a lift with air tools I had one on the ground in 15 min. On my back on a gravel driveway with my "Road Tools", a floor jack and my jack stands... 1hr 30min....Hey, I'm 42 years old..I work slow on gravel!! Really..If the car is not a "Ruster" and runs good It's worth it to do a clutch. The Gen 1 Justys are becoming real hard to find these days! Good Luck!! Jim
  7. I have an ECU for an 89 Justy FWD with a 5 Speed transaxle. The car had 128,000 miles when I parted it and still ran after it spit # 2 connecting rod out the side of the block. If you still need it PM me and I will call you. Sorry..I do not have the harness. Jim.
  8. If you look under www.grantproducts.com you MAY still be able to find the horn kit to install any Grant signature series steering wheel on a 87-94 Justy. I have one kit on my 88 and another one my 90. I also have one as a spare for the day when they discontinue it....I hope they have not done that yet!!!:-\ If you can't find the PN# on their site, PM me and I'll get you the number so you can start your search. Cost is about $50.00 for the kit but, you can pick up some really nice Grant wheels on ebay for 'Dirt Cheap'. I personally know of no other wheel, Subie or otherwise that will fit the Justy splines. Good Luck...Hope ya get one! Jim
  9. OK....I have been working on two Justys (an 88 4WD and a 90 4WD 5door ECVT) I have done a few mods to them but, still have not been able to convert my 88 gen 1 justy to an FI turbo due to the lack of an FI parts car..or to be more specific.. a good FI block! I have the head,induction, and wire harness but, need a good bottom end so I can run the equal length axle shafts. Getting the right parts you need to build a Justy is 75% of the battle. I have 10 Justys (5 just for parts) and I still have to "Scrounge" for parts on occasion. Anyhow, If you want to see my Justys just look in the USMB photos section under my user name. If you need any Justy info just PM me and I'll help all I can. Hey...Anybody out there got a decent 90-94 FI Justy block they want to get rid of???? ....Yeah I know! It was worth a shot.. Jim
  10. My GOD Meeky....Hell must have frozen over and the sick must now be healed!!!! This would be the only explanation as to why you..A person who has TRASHED the Justy constantly in many a post on this forum would have anything to do with any kind of JUSTY project!! Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that you and your buds are gonna do a turbo Justy..I'm kinda surprised that you guys are planning to use an ECVT equipped car. As I read in one of your posts, you stated that the ECVT was a POS and that you were glad they never put that "LUMP" in a Hatch!...By the way, Is your lifted hatch still "scoolin" SRT-4 Neons for the first 200 feet?? Oh, and is it still driving over Justys??? That 90 better watch it's back!! OK..Meeky..Now that I've given you some well deserved "Ribbing" (Hope you have a sense of humor) I wish you and your friends the best of luck on the project. I just finished a 90 Justy 5 door 4WD with an ECVT trans. (Rebuilt engine) and it runs and drives great!! It's a fun car and someday, it too may get a turbo....It depends how your project turns out. Good Luck!
  11. My wife laughed and said you were more on target with your first word selection! Psychotic fits to a tee!!! Your "Bus Guru" has given you the best advice you could ever get! The rest is up to you! I have (at last count) 9 Justys I think! (4 Gen 1s and 5 Gen 2s) All but 2 are carbureted, Of the 2 EFIs I have one I'm driving and the other has no engine (I rebuilt it to replace the blown up one in my driver). I will check my Subaru Justy parts book and see if the Carb and EFI crankshaft are the same. If so, I'll see if I can round one up for you but,... Shipping will kill you!! Good Luck with the Justy...The "Redheaded Stepchild" of the Subaru clan! I'll E you some pics of my Justys when I get a couple of minutes. Thanks, Jim
  12. Man..What a rotten situation!!! My heart goes out to you!! Reading your thread makes me realize just how lucky I am that I can do all my own work. It also reminds me of the main reasons why I started working on my own/family cars at the age of 17. (I'm 42 now) My dad back then, had a really bad experience similar to yours with a dealership on Long Island where I grew up (Hey NIPPER!) I ended up fixing that car myself after the dealership "bailed out" on the warranty. I got so pissed, it made me made a life changing decision....I went out and got a factory service manual, A good set of Craftsman tools and with a little help from some "Friends in the Know" we fixed it right!! The process gave me a sense of accomplishment that led to a life long hobby/profession of working on automobiles. Today, I am an automotive instrustor at a local Community College. I teach in several areas but, my specialty is engine rebuilding/repair. As I read your story, It reminded me of an old but, true saying.. "Success has a million fathers but, failure is an orphan!" If or when a rebuilt engine fails, who is to blame? Dealership, Machine Shop, Parts Supplier, Dealer Tech, Customer, God Maybe??? In my experience, all of the former blame the latter as a last resort! I hope you can get this situation resolved with the Dealer but, In the end you may have to go the route that I did...Rebuild it yourself. I just rebuilt one for my 90 Justy 4WD with ECVT this past summer. It was really not too bad... Heck, Take pictures and do a book..."How to keep your Justy Alive" Turn the negative experience into a positive...It worked for me!! P.S If you do the book thing I would love to contribute!! Jim
  13. I too have a 88 4WD Justy. The LSD rear diff was not available in any of the US market Justys from 87-94. It is possible that JDM Justys may have had the LSD but, I do not know for sure. Good luck with your car!!!
  14. Paul, My book says that the intake and plenum are the same from 90-94 but, the fuel injectors and wiring changed for the 93-94 models. The main difference I saw from my 90 model to my 93 parts car was the connectors..The shape was different but, the wire routing was the same. All the people I have talked to say... You gotta use the EFI head if you convert a carb to EFI. I can't say for sure that you must but, it sure sounds that way. You can however, use a carbed block from 87-92 but, the 87-89 blocks don't have the mounting boss used to mount the intermediate shaft bracket for the equal length axle shafts. These are used on 90-92 GL Justys and all 93-94 Justys. Sorry I teased you... If it's any consolation the ultimate tease is waiting a year and a half for the insurance salvage lot to auction off their 93 Justy yard car so I could get an engine and other EFI stuff...Seeing it sitting there every week made it even worse!! Really, the best bet is to try and find a complete EFI car and strip off all the stuff you need. Happy Hunting!! Jim
  15. Paul, I have a spare carbed intake already removed from an 89 Justy...Just say the word and it's yours. I also have a complete EFI induction system from a 93 Justy parts car..Tank, Lines, Wiring, Intake manifold, Exhaust manifold, and Cyl head. (#1 exhaust valve took a shot from the piston due to a bottom end failure but,the head is good.) Sorry, It's not for sale.. I need it for my white 88. I'm always on the hunt for EFI Justys but, man they are hard to come by. Good luck, Jim
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