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  • Location
    Kalamazoo, MI
  • Vehicles
    1999 Legacy Outback

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  1. Yeah, the cooling system was peachy before the job, since it has high miles I didn't know when the belt was done last so I wanted to change it, and found the hydraulic tensioner to be leaking pretty bad and not keeping the best tension, so I'm glad I got that done.
  2. Thanks a bunch! I'm sure it is inexperience. Never done the job before and although I've been working on cars for some time, I definitely still run into problems I have to ask about pretty much every time haha. The bleeder screw is the plastic screw on the passenger side at the bottom of the radiator with the o-ring, correct? Should it flow pretty consistently, kind of like oil out of a drain plug? Or is it more of just a dribble?
  3. Is the correct orientation with the jiggle-plug thing oriented to the front of the car? That's how I installed it, I didn't know there was a correct orientation...:/ Both hoses get hot, and both thermo fans kick on and off like they always have. The radiator seems to be working fine. The cooling system was working perfectly prior to the timing belt/water pump change, it was only the tensioner that failed, but I figured I'd do the whole service while I had it apart... Now all of the sudden I get this issue...it's gotta be air in the system. I'll try putting it up on ramps as soon as I can.
  4. That's a good idea!! I'll try that tomorrow. Has anyone ever heard of having to take the upper hose to the heater core off while burping? Am I doing something wrong by just using the radiator bucket and waiting until the air stops coming out? The car warms up, but then starts spitting the coolent back into the funnel once it reaches temp. I forgot to mention that.
  5. Hi All, This is my first post here. I recently did a timing belt on my 1999 Legacy Outback Wagon, with a new water pump. Job went well, all parts bolted up and timing came out fine, no problems running now. However, even after burping the cooling system with a radiator bucket, multiple times, the car still overheats and I don't feel heat. There are no signs of a blown head gasket that I can tell, the car runs fine and doesn't smell or smoke or anything, has full power. What should my next step be? I replaced the thermostat with a genuine Subaru thermostat. My water pump is one of the old style pumps, with the teeth as opposed to the disc. Help!! I'm not sure what to do!
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