1998 Outback, 2.5, auto.
Neither cooling fan will stay on when commanded, engine hot or cold. Everything I have found when searching is about the fans either not coming ON, or not shutting OFF. They run and cycle with test connectors. They will come on for about 3 seconds when temp reaches ~203F, and/or when a/c is turned on and engaged and then shut off. Have checked all fuses, swapped out all relays (under hood and under dash), swapped 2 wire coolant sensor, and swapped ecu. No joy. All swaps were with known good parts. What would be causing system to lose signal? Also when they start with a/c, there is about a 2 second lag between a/c clutch engaging and fans starting. (Then fans stopping, but clutch still engaged)
As an aside, does anyone know what all the cooling relays are called, and what location is which? Service manual says a/c relay in a/c holder, sub-fan 1 in f/b, sub-2, main-1, main-2 in a/c holder. Okay fine, but under hood cover calls all under hood ones "a/c relay". I think I figured out which is which, but confirmation would be helpful.
Thanks, Jon