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Everything posted by Subaru_dude

  1. Okay, PB Blaster sucks. I'm never buying another can of this stuff again, lol. The tie-rod end popped right off... and as for the whole bearing assembly, which I've been doing war with for a few days, it came right out. All the bolts popped right out, even the ones I had already stripped. I still have yet to go at the rear axles... I'll do that later on this evening. As for right now... I gotta go get a 7/32 punch and a bigger hammer. THE SUBARU HURSE OF DEATH SHALL SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY ANY WEEK NOW. MWA HA HA HA.
  2. anybody ever heard of Nut Cracker? made by Rubber-Seal... non-silicone rust penetrating agent. $7 a can, not bad. the mechanics where I thought it from said it was the best stuff they had ever used in their lives. it better be good... lol. Wish me luck!!!
  3. Thanks. would I be able to find that stuff down here in Tennessee?? cuz I've never heard of it.
  4. i just pm'd him... i'll post it up on this thread as soon as he pm's me back. thanks northguy
  5. i'll try that Kroil stuff... hell, might as well try Zep too just to know cuz nobody else seems to know, lol. thanks guys.
  6. anybody ever heard of Zep? Prestige carries it down here, they work on Hondas and Subarus for the most part... it's $10 a can. I'm wondering if it would help me get my gal darn rear axles out? and it seems my whole front end is locked up in rust... lol. PB blaster seems to work to an extent... thanks for the help guys.
  7. bought an '84 Subaru GL sedan, 4x4 auto with an extra engine that needs resealed really bad for just $100. runs really good, but the tranny leaks fluid like crazy. thinking about putting a 4-speed in it. not very much rust at all, nice interior too. no broken or cracked glass, paint is in better than average condition, hood just a little scorched. turn signals and everything work, doesn't smoke a bit. engine bay is nice and clean too... never experienced really salty conditions. I'm a happy camper.
  8. yeah... it's something that holds up the linkage, and I think when it goes out, it let's the linkdage scrape against the driveshaft. that happened to mine... made alot of really annoying noise. Nothing a piece of gravel and a zip tie couldn't fix. I would recommend something a little more.... professional perhaps? lol.
  9. Speaking of bad bearing... I can't get a bolt out of the front end to get the whole whatever it is assembly out to put new bearings in it... it's a bolt located just above where the lower tie rod end connects to the assembly. I thought it was 12 mm... seemed to fit just fine, but then I started turning it and it just felt like i was constantly turning the bolt... but it never broke loose. Now I got one wasted nut, and one that I can't quite figure out? It seems to just keep turning... maybe I'm going crazy? maybe I need sleep??? I dunno what the hell is going on.... haha. should I cut it off? whatever the answer is, I'm sure you guys will point me in the right direction. Thanks times a million. -Jordo smordo
  10. did I ruin my heads? lol.... even after spending hours on mine, it looks nothing like that. i'm gonna go out and get some scotch pads... lol.
  11. look for footprints, find a good tracker, and kill someone.
  12. what's the best way to clean off the old headgasket material? I used a dremmel tool... started noticing metal shavings, and stopped immediately. as far as I can tell with a straight edge, I haven't done anything... or have I? I really pray that I didn't, lol. I've been using a paint scraper on the rest of it and am being very VERY carefly... is this okay? do the surfaces have to look like new for the gasket to seal properly? Thanks for the info.
  13. pulled a 5,000 pound truck 1/8 of a mile uphill once, had it in d/r 2nd gear... the guy still thinks it never happened. It just doesn't seem physically possible to him... lol. HOLY FREAKIN CRAP I MISS MY SUBARU. HONDAS CAN'T DO JACK SQUAT. well, they can squat just fine... haha.
  14. oh jeez, I can't believe how siezed my rear axles are. i'm denting the heck out of them, does that matter? lol. am I gonna have to get new axles? if that's the case, i'm just gonna buy a whole new rear end from a junkyard and not worry about it. rear discs are better anyhow . I mentioned that to somebody at work, and they said that you had to put a different master cylinder in it too cuz the disc brakes push with a different amount of pressure than the drums do..... is this something that Subarus are immune to? lol..... thanks for any imput.
  15. hang around the parking lot until you see him again... and follow him home. MWA HA HA HA. lol
  16. i think if i keep hitting it with this sledge hammer it'll come off... oops, broke the sledge. my goodness these things are stuck, lol. I think i've calmed down enough to get this done.
  17. I really need help here... I got the differential disconnected from the car itself, it's sitting on the ground with the axles and driveshaft attached. How do I get this freakin thing out? i've cracked the windshield and there's a dent in the door in the shape of my fist. help me before I kick it off the jackstands. I have issues with working on cars. do I need to put the diff back up to get the axles out? and the pins are out. Thanks a hell of a lot.
  18. are Loyale bodies galvanized? I don't see rust on Loyales very often.... if they are, I think it would be a good idea to convert one to d/r cuz I hate rust and single range 4wd. thanks for the information.
  19. i'll get the manual later and look into it more closely
  20. why is it in the manual it mentions a 4 wheel lock option? shows it as a knob in the middle console. Never seen it.... maybe just an option in Japan or something?? It's an 87 GL with original manual.
  21. mine jumps up to 2000+ and then when i kick it again, it just dies. I have to hold the gas pedal a little to keep it at 1000, and i have to let it warm up or it will die at stop signs the first 1/8 of a mile or so. I have a feeling it will get worse with colder weather, does anybody know what it could be? I have a feeling it's some kinda spring to the choke or something. Thanks to anybody who has a solution. Should I have done a search before I asked this ???
  22. heard a bunch of new squeaks this morning!!! I guess it's about time for new shocks and struts, some bushings, and a lift kit
  23. check the oil level. if it's not low, and you're not hearing any knocking coming from your engine, then it's not a big deal.
  24. okay, my friend tells me he found this gravel road behind a warehouse that I should drive my car on really fast cuz there was a whole lotta puddles... and my car needs washed, lol. So, we find this place, I drive down it slowly and realize the holes are alot deeper than they look and would probably launch my car into the air if I hit them at more than 30mph . Guess what! I hit the first couple holes... got COMPLETELY airborn... hit the next set of holes so hard my car flat out bounced about 2 feet in the air, and splashed down in a 20 foot long 8 inch deep puddle that slowed us from 50-0 in about 2 seconds... lol. AWESOME. Shear adrenaline. Ok, I thought I was done. Well, here's what he says. "Hey, take a left at this car wash, go really fast." Ok, I go fast. Hit some train tracks at about 45, leave the ground... and he just tells me to keep going. The road turns right, but straight ahead it just turns to gravel so I go gravel. The road humps sharply... then back down. Guess what my car does!! It goes way up in the air!!!! I'm not even joking, we got a good 4-5 feet off the ground... I paniced and just slid completely sideways to a stop. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. Man, that car can take some damn abuse. Finally, to top the night off, we decide to drive through a random field behind Ingles. got almost to the other side which ends at the highway, and we got stuck. Great. I learned something important that night... never offroad without a flashlight. The car was stuck in 2 ruts, perfectly lined up with the front and rear wheels running horizontally to the lengh of the car. Took us an hour and 4 rocks to get unstuck... but we did it. Now the car is gonna rest a while... hopefully I'll be able to send you guys some pics the next time I'm up to some more bajaing.
  25. wow guys, thanks for the replies. there's not anymore noise if it's in 4 wheel drive or if it's in 2 wheel drive. i got 4 wheel bearings, but i never feel like putting them in, lol.
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