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Everything posted by Subaru_dude

  1. my friend filmed me jumping my soob about 20 feet across the ground over some train tracks. It was #^%#$ scary. But wow.... didn't even bottom out the suspension.
  2. i work at express lane oil and i do basic mantainance (air filters, fill brake fluid, power steering fluid, change oil, stuff like that..) and I must say I hate American cars. They SUCK to no FREAKING end. late 90's Dodge, Chrysler, Oldsmobile minivans have the most rediculously difficult air filters to access. What stupid human being came up with the location of those things? I wanna let him know what's on my damn mind. I tell ya..... they do that crap so people take em to get em worked on instead of doing it themselves. it's such freakin bull.
  3. it's parked in the garage now so what does it matter. who knows why he was asking and who really cares. He was either a druggie with fake money or he really liked Subarus. Either way I think the threat is gone.
  4. finally got freakin internet. updates...... pulled my dad's '78 Chevy outta some mud about a month ago...... no problem. my friends '64 Chevy stepside, which I think is a 4000lb+ truck.... it broke down at the bottom of our hill and I wrapped a towel around the front bumper and then wrapped a tow rope around it (didn't wanna cut it on the bumper) and hooked it on each side. pulled it 1/8 of a mile uphill in 4WD low. my friend wants to get rid of his truck and buy a Subaru now..... lol. I am, to this day, absolutely astonished that it managed to pull that freakin thing up the hill. AND no new sounds!!!!!!
  5. hey guys..... computer's been down for a long time, should be back up within a week. car's been running good, lol...
  6. old symptoms turning up again.... jumping really bad when on the throttle... last time the mechanic told me it was the accelerator pump. Do I need ANOTHER carb rebuild? and the smoke is getting worse..... new disty cap, plugs, and plug wires. Engine rebuild? Hope to GOD not... lol.
  7. I'm having similar problems even though my carb was rebuilt about 3 weeks ago. I hate carbs.
  8. thanks guys.... i got it running, lol..... well.... it still seems to smoke. do I just need to adjust my mixture? i'll do a compression test sometime during this coming week to make sure it's not my piston rings. Thanks for bearing with me guys.... lol.
  9. I replaced them one at a time. Do you think pulling and tugging on the disty coulda done something? The old wires were on there pretty good so I had to jerk it around a little.... didn't think I broke anything though...... -Jordan
  10. When my car actually ran.. lol.... my friend clocked it to 60 in about 9 seconds I think. Pretty slow, but it's not supposed to go fast anywayzz... lol.
  11. ok... I put some NGK spark plugs in today with some NGK spark plug wires. The plugs are in all the way, the wires are on the plugs all the way and they're all going to their correct places. all the connections to the coil, all the vacuum hoses to the carb as far as I know are all connected. I spend 4 hours trying to figure out what the prob was... so here's the prob. It simply won't start... I think it's squirting gas fine cuz i had the cover off the carb and it was blowing the air/gas mixture out the top in frequent puffs... and it would ocassionally run for a sec and then just die. I put the old plugs on and managed to get it to idle... but it felt like it was running on 3 cylinders. what's going on? bad carb? bad plug? they're brand new..... and it struck me as odd that it would actually idle with the old plug wires on there. Thanks anybody who know what's wrong.
  12. ok... my car was running fine today, and then i decided to put some NGK spark plug and spark plug wires in the car. every one goes where it's supposed to go, but the car WILL NOT start for anything. the #4 plug wire not being plugged all the way on is the only thing I can think of... but I'm pretty sure it's all the way on. Could the coil have decided to give up on me while I was changing the plugs or what? Jordan
  13. loose castle nut maybe? bad bearing? i'm sure it has something to do with the suspension or wheels. Jordan
  14. it's ok, i guess i can understand why it'd piss you off so bad having to put aside so much time to get it running right. been there done that.. lol.... you said you didn't touch the ground when you did the "jump" so this probably isn't your prob... maybe the oil pan got nudged a little and now it's plugging the end of the pickup tube? And yeah like Miles said... just recheck all the electricals. Jordan
  15. HEY!!! what's your problem? How can you say that.... once a Subaru fanatic, always a Subaru fanatic. anyway... it's one of the pumps driven by the drive belt... I think it's the pump that's closest to the ground.... i THINK. Jordan
  16. how do you add a ground wire? are the GLs and RXs similar in mechanical operation and design? I think I may be having fuel pump probs in my GL... but if adding a ground would fix it then i'll go for it.
  17. the grinding sounds kinda serious..... does it make that noise when you're sitting still, or only when you're moving? And are you sure it's carbie? they started putting SPFI in their cars in 88... but maybe it's because of where you live? I dunno... but my old 93 Loyale used to make a gridning noise too, but it didn't change with revs, and it only did it when sitting still. It was because it had no diff oil.. lol. Maybe it's the distributor making that noise? next time you hear the noise and you're sitting still, get out and look for the noise under the hood. Jordan
  18. God only knows what I'd do to my Subaru if I had the money.
  19. I dunno about a rebuild..... it only has 162,000 miles on it and the lady I bought it from didn't put cheap oil in it and always changed it on time. and if it needed a rebuild, it'd be smoking. It doesn't smoke hardly at all. So I'll see how much resistance the #3 wire has and I'll get back to you. Thanks guys. Jordan
  20. I know for sure that's not it..... it ran well for a while then started running like crap again.
  21. My 87 gl feels like it's running on 3 cylinders again. I put new spark plugs in, but not new spark plug wires. it's the #3 plug, it's just not firing. Do you think that after the first plug stopped firing, the new plug temporarily fixed the prob but after a while even that wouldn't fire? the wires don't seem to look that old..... distrubitor? the idle is becomming eratic too. maybe I should check for vacuum leaks? thanks for any help Jordan
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