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Everything posted by Cfoust

  1. I have done quite a few light polishes the past few years on various cars. I would recommend wet sanding the headlight use plenty of water. Start out with like a 600 grit and work up to 2500 or even 3000. For polishing compound i know people will probably hate me for this, but i use mothers mag and aluminum polish. You can use either a cordless or corded drill and a3 or 6 inch buffing wheel. I picked up my buffing pad at harborfreight for 3 . https://www.harborfreight.com/6-inch-polishing-kit-66713.html just smear a little polish on the lense and buff it off. They look like new after.
  2. Hey guys i have a 96 legacy outback 2.2 with a manual transmission. I have had the car for about 2 months now. Any ideas what would cause the parking break handle to not stay in the up/engaged position all the time. Sometimes when i pull it it will catch just fine others it will not catch at all or will pop and release shortly after being pulled. Thank you guys in advance
  3. As long as you know the bulb size you can find led replacements. Anywhere from ebay, Amazon, and a ton of independent online retailers will have them. The key is knowing your bulb size
  4. Sorry to bring back a dead topic. Im having this same issue and the link for the fix will not load. Can someone help me with the fix process?
  5. So i just finished trying to. Pull the fans out and had to give up do to time and where i was at, i swear the car is from the east coast as all the bolts are rusted in and breaking when removing them. I will have to try at a later date when i have access to a shop
  6. Awesome, thank you!! I will try to check tomorrow on my lunch if its not raining
  7. Rampage, i know this may sound like a very stupid question. How do i check the timing at the belt?
  8. Hey guys i have a 96 legacy outback 2.2 with a manual transmission. Recently it started to have a issue where it will sputter when more than light throttle is applied from about 1.5k to 2.5k rpms. Above that its ok and driveable with no issues. I checked the plugs and none seemed to be fouled but were out of gap spec. I regapped them and still having the same issue. New wires as well. I opened the throttle while under the hood to see if the sputter went away and its still there. I also tried to power through the sputter and got a loud pop from the intake. Any ideas?
  9. Heu guys sorry if this has been coverd before. So i have a 96 legacy outback. 2.2l with a 5spd manual transmission. When i turn the key to start it there is a fast clicking noise from under the dash. There has been a few times where the car will not start and the clicking is not present. Is there a starter relay in this year legacy? Any ideas?
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