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Ultimate Subaru Message Board


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  • Location
    Shelley, Idaho
  • Referral
    I came here because I wanted help with mods for my legacy.
  • Biography
    Just a broke highschool student looking for advice on my subie.
  • Vehicles
    1990 Subaru Legacy LS sedan

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. I do not believe that it is air suspension, but ive been convinced to not do anything to it. but to get the main point of this post what would you recommend to save up for? i was thinking a forester or a sti wagon but im not sure
  2. Greetings, from the broke highschooler again, and now that I have the information from my other post I have come to the conclusion that I am going to need another vehicle to do what I want to do. Like I addressed in my post, I am not trying to break the bank but still have a vehicle that is reliable for these idaho roads/winters and as a daily driver. If you could give me suggestions and a price to ball park to that would be awesome!
  3. Yeah, most of the stuff i want to do cosmetically is very mild and i might just end up rallying it later but its all about the timing of its death lol
  4. Greetings, I am a broke highschool student who is looking to mod my 1990 Legacy LS sedan, it is not my own right now it's still my parents but i do plan on buying it from them when I start working later this month. I am aware of the options I can have like boosting it or building the whole thing, but I'm not trying to blow it up because I need it for school and for it to be reliable. Any brands for stuff like exhaust's, intakes, cometics, and other smaller stuff. I am willing to listen to most ideas and eventually I will take pic of it and upload them but I have to make the effort. But anyways, any brands to look forward too for mods and certain mods are accept.
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