The odometer and trip odometer on my 1997 SVX dont work. All other gauges as well as the cruise control do work. I've posted this issue to the SVX World Forum but no one was able to resolve the problem.
Heres what I've done so far:
1) I sent the original gauge cluster out to someone who specializes in their repair thinking it was the gears in the odometer/trip. They fixed a few things, sent me a video of the speedometer pegged at around 100mph (they were able to do this electronically) with the trip and odometer clearly working. But when I put it back in the car, the odometer and trip still didnt work.
2) I've now purchased 3 used gauge clusters, and once installed in the car, the odometer and trip didnt work on any of them. All other gauges worked.
3) Thought maybe it had something to do with the speed sensor, but I replaced that and the problem still exists.
4. I checked all fuses and they are good.
It seems like its car related and not gauge cluster related (due to the number of replacement gauge clusters exhibiting the same problem).
Any thoughts would be appreciated.