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michael appel

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Everything posted by michael appel

  1. I had my strut tops cut by a plasma cutter they aare pretty darn cool just got to weld them up and they will be ready
  2. got busy this morning I will call tommorow I have to put on a kit for someone but for sure hope to get in touch with you sounds like it would be fun

  3. offset rims help most chrsyler 5 bolt fit just look for a offset that pulls away from the strut
  4. I will call you in the morning sounds like fun

  5. Totally red your article today if your still interested email

  6. scott did it should be a pic in the for sale section or in the offreoad section
  7. would be cool to see pics of the wagon maybe go out sometime do some wheelin

  8. I remember when I seen you and sube4x4 pass me on the way back from tillamook sometime ago Im planning a trip out sometime would like other subies to join

  9. sweet dude I have been sending pics for 3 years finally someone gets recognition. I dont buy there mag anymore otherwise i would have been on here going hey I seen your subie gt would be great but im liftiing a hatch dang
  10. I have it on my daily driver I do 45 miles a day going just to scool commuting
  11. cheap way to do it is find a 1/4 inch spring plate that is bent into a s and sit it between the spider gears
  12. limited slip is good for rally not wheeling
  13. :banana:You can drive around or pull it takes me 10 min to put in or take out
  14. Made his own frame and suspension all toy underneath
  15. you rub in all lift ranges until 6 inch and still very minimum
  16. here is mine I went 4 7/8 with the front to get it level 4 in the rear 27 in ssr swampers little cut to front of rear and alot of bashing to the firewall and cutting rear to front fender should have went six still hits at full lock four wheeling
  17. It went down the tube really but my machinist came up with a lsd kit like mopar makes
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