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michael appel

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Everything posted by michael appel

  1. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FKKXFcKaUeWY&h=b1873 a little vid Im putting up more
  2. plenty of trails everywhere but I like exploring thats how I find good stuff
  3. Mine are 1.50 inches out to help clear the 30s it has been a very good mod so far
  4. ben totally sorry i would open this up then it would go way and I couldnt go back but i HAVE YOUR NUMBER i WILL CALL YOU MONDAY

  5. for you rob Ill bring you some to the show 60 bucks
  6. Im always replacing bearings after going so I stick to estacada in the woods or brownscamp much more fun trail riding
  7. sweet Im getting a free one going to slam it with a 2.2
  8. I am offering complete 2.2 swap accessories adaptor plates 100 each and flywheels for 150 redrilled and resurfaced six lug swaps 150 with 50 cores I can also do a wire swap to I have alot less wires then anyone I know lol Last but not least I have been lengthening out the arms on the front 1 1/2 inches they are modified with 1.5 x 1.5 square tube .375 thick they will take a beating and keep you from having to beat in the firewall They are 125
  9. Going up sawtell on saturday meeting at safeway in molalla at 9am we will be going to gaot mountain after the trip up to the tower on sawtell anyone is invited
  10. 15 degrees on top and on bottom it equals out to 30 degrees it is the perfect setup for 4 inch
  11. You will need longer brake lines and new shocks I can make you the lift for 600 but those are extra things you will need I can pick them up for you but thats a little extra I also just started making new front stabilizer bars Ill post them up soon I broke mine so I have made new double strength ones lol let me know what you want to do I can start making it right away.....
  12. Screw you M#&& I can do that to lol We love Man
  13. A six inch is 600 What is it for and It does include everything hardware and a steering extension http://subarugllifted.webs.com/
  14. 400 for a lift shipped everything is a week out right now you can order on my website or paypal my email subarubrat1979@yahoo.com everything is plasma cut on a table and comes with all the hardware and a steering extension
  15. ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh You are the man cant wait to see you this year you better be there We are totally going to hang
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