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michael appel

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Everything posted by michael appel

  1. Just my opinion but really I would never ever go back again swampers for life
  2. all terrains suck they are for sissys
  3. No just adding the strut tops will be fine
  4. nope just dropping the struts down you should be fine

  5. I have a 2 inch bolt on the top of the strut lift a four inch with little work of dropping subframe and a steering extension would like to make a six noone else is hehehe
  6. Ill grab you one no prob dont know how much they are I will look I think its 30 40 dollars
  7. Ill have it done you come get it Lol Wednesday it will be done Saturday it will be ready.
  8. 450 shipped and 400 if you come get it take me a week to make
  9. used one to set the bead on a tire after it came off
  10. This is for everyone planning on running up to brownscamp maybe saturday
  11. Beginning of june sound good everyone come up with dates I got the month
  12. pretty easy to lift the rear 2 blocks top of strut A 8 inch 2 by 2 tube 2 holes to hold it to the frame to holes to hold the dropped down arm same on the other side plus 4 inch longer shocks I have pics but it will take a couple days to send it to you give me your email its easy to make just need a mental picture\
  13. Break that ************ jeff man when you break you break
  14. Sweet deal guys invite others if you can we need to beat the washington guys they have 11 12 cars coming
  15. Hey tony cool hope to see you down here
  16. They thought you still wanted them lol give me your number rob we can hook up some time
  17. My knock sensor aint even plugged in and the motor is just fine
  18. The wiring isnt that hard me and the wife had it done in 2 days 1st time
  19. sounds like a plan I can dial it in for you got mine working nicely Hey you still selling the swampers at steves house
  20. i want to start exploring in mid march april thanks
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