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Everything posted by 87r34

  1. Also to note, I don’t want to take apart the dash unless I desperately have to. I don’t have a full mechanical cluster just the speedo gauge.
  2. Hello all, recently my auto transmission took a turn for the worst in my 01 legacy but I had a manual from a 98 2.5rs sitting from a old build and it bolted right. But the speed sensor doesn’t. The 01 has an electronic but the transmission was the ol cable driven. Any ideas how to convert the cable to the mechanical without breaking the bank? I’ve looked at cable converters but they’re all for a mechanical cluster. I have a mechanical gauge but no sensor for manual. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you Koda
  3. I figured out the issue, turns out only one plug was firing in the motor. I took them all out 3 where black cleaned them put it back together and it fired up like a champ! Thanks for all the help!!
  4. Also to note, took the negative off the battery not just the body to battery and the terminal was wet??? Dried it off and letting it air dry to get what I missed before I put it back on.
  5. It has spark to all 4 plugs and does have the smell of gas when trying to crank. I did try a similar thing, I pulled the pump fuse and cranked it with the pedal down and did that for a while till it would just crank and put it back in primed it once and went to trying to start it. It did fire a couple times but not enough to run
  6. Also I’ve tried starter fluid in the intake and still wouldn’t fire. So probably not a vacuum leak I take it?
  7. The codes where after, and the only reason why so much got replaced is because I didn’t want to deal with the what if’s and just be able to enjoy the car. It’s been down for months doing the motor and trans swap. (Cleaning and replacing all old with new no matter the condition) but anything that was still in good condition kept as a spare when this goes bad. Most of the codes are VSS (auto to manual swap) haven’t had an issue with that causing a no start. The codes are as follows. P0500. P1540. P1590. P1591. P1518. P0512. And P0136. im not worried about the transmission codes for the speed sensors. It’s getting the car to run and move again and it’ll be fixed later on since I’ve never had an issue with the VSS being a no start issue. The 0512 is what concerns me. It doesn’t have a push button start and it does crank over which leads me to thing a possible ecu problem? As well as the 1590 which I’m unsure about. NSS is brand new and the plug/wires aren’t cut chaffed or otherwise, visually intact. And lastly 1518 the code for the starter. Also brand new starter. I know as well as the 1590 code it’s a low current? But how? Battery is brand new as well... kinda leads me to believe the ecu could be old and cooked a bit not giving out the right signals to run. The ecu hasn’t been replaced. But can be in an hour or so.
  8. Motor is a 93 2.2T with about 98k body (ecu and management) 2001 legacy brand new belt ecu pops out P1591 P0512 not sure where the vacuum leak would be or how to start with that. brand new starter, filter and neutral safety switch. If the switch wasn’t working it wouldn’t crank. And starter same thing. it ran and drove fine yesterday but today all it does is crank and nothing else
  9. Hello, car was running fine yesterday but today got a crank with no start. Went through the typical. Spark, fuel And fuses And it has all. The intake isn’t sucking a lot of air. It does have some suction but not a crap ton. Any ideas on how to get it running again?
  10. Hello, car was running fine yesterday but today got a crank with no start. Went through the typical. Spark, fuel And fuses And it has all. The intake isn’t sucking a lot of air. It does have some suction but not a crap ton. Any ideas on how to get it running again?
  11. Only issue with all that. Motor is from someone’s previous swap. All I have with it is the paperwork. Says it’s a 93 from Japan but that’s not exactly reliable (just something they typed out) might just cut my losses and take a harness out of the 01 I have and change whatever it needs to get the motor to work. I would like to use the ecu that is with the 2.2 because it’s turbo and a m/t But I’ll figure out how to bypass the automatic and swap the motor. Might at a later date flash the ecu to work with the turbo better. (Seen there’s ways to turbo a non turbo without an ecu change) but thanks for the help anyway cheers
  12. Know of any way to find the pinout? I’ve found several but none match the ecu. And the ones that do I’m not 100 about.
  13. Any help on finding a 1993 Subaru Legacy sport ecu to engine wiring harness? MT/turbo. I’ve looked all over the place to find one but no luck.
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